A few weeks ago, my ideas ran out, my inspirations were gone, and I've been experiencing a bit of writer's block. And it wasn't until today, when I was pondering it all, that I realized why.
Last night I was watching "Will and Grace" (love that show, btw). The character Jack had just been dumped. He was so depressed that he started writing a novel as a way to release to his pain. After a little while, he was involved in a relationship again. He was happy, so he quit writing because he no longer had the ability to write because he wasn't feeling down. When I was searching my mind today for reasons why the change in my blogging had occurred, I thought of last night's show.
Ever since I first started this blog, I've been writing posts that focus on the positive aspects of my life to keep my negative inner self at bay. And it's been more than therapeutic for me. But for the past 2 months, I've been happy. Really, really happy. Something a bit traumatic happened to me at the end of January, and I had to dig deep within myself for any source of strength. It was an emotionally hard time for me, and I turned to my friends for help. I found the courage and the ability to heal my wounded heart from the pain of that incident. And then my heart healed from past hurts. And then my heart opened up to allow love into my life again. And then my heart felt pure happiness and joy. And I've been happy ever since. I've still had hard days, and have been momentarily upset, but I've easily gotten over it to feel that joy again. It's been wonderful. I have really loved and treasured the relationships I have with my husband, my children, my family, and my friends. I can't remember the last time I felt this good! I love this feeling!
And now that I've pondered the situation, analyzed myself, and given a self-diagnosis, I'm pretty content with the reasons for my non-inspirational blogging! I'll gladly accept the diagnosis of "happiness" as the source of my lack of inspiration any day!!!
It great that you found happiness. That is the best form of life. Congrates. You have a beautiful family.
I completely understand what you're talking about! I feel so at ease with everything right now. I still have complaints about society in general, but life is pretty dang good.
I am so happy to read about your joy. You of all people deserve to have happy happy joy joy in your life. (I still remember your great mantra from high school!)
Happy = Good! That is great that you have found your 'sweet spot' and life is joy for you! What a blessing...
That's wonderful! You deserve o be happy.
Oh my dear friend, Kala, what a "joy" you have been in my life. I've loved watching your life petals unfold to a beautiful woman of substance. All life's experiences has the ability to create authenticity and that's what I love MOST about you. You ARE authentic. "What you see is what you get." I love what I see. I love being with your authentic self. Besides you make me laugh, you make the child in me want to come out and play, and traveling with you is an absolute scream! You bring light into my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If you don't quit blogging things that make me cry I'm going to have to send you to get me more tissues. I love what you wrote. I've always known you are an amazing woman, mother, and especially my friend. It takes many people much longer to know the difference between joy and happiness. Joy comes from God, and that's always going to be more lasting. I'm glad to see that blogging has helped you, but even more so that you're too full of joy to pay attention to it everyday. Thanks for always being an inspiration to me.
Happy looks good on you!
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