Friday, March 26, 2010

100 + 100 = excessive

For the 100th day of school, the kindergartners were asked to each bring a collection of 100 items to school to show to their classmates. Many of the children bring candy or marshmallows or pretzels or other snack food items, because it's easy to come up with 100 of them. When Ammon was in kindergarten, he took 100 marbles. Jonah and Micah each took 100 cars. 100 cars x 2 boys = 200 cars absent from our home that day. And we still had over 50 left at home!
I seriously had no idea we owned that many toy cars!! Does anyone else get sucked into purchasing those 99 cent cars?! They're cheap and small and the boys are happy when they get to take one home after a shopping trip to a store. The photo is proof that those cheap gifts add up; I can't believe there's $200 worth of cars right there! Every year, I make the boys go through them and get rid of broken ones and ones they don't play with anymore. I think it's about time to do that again!!!

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