Saturday, March 6, 2010

do you deja vu?

Have you ever had deja vu?
Deja vu is the sensation of experiencing a new situation but thinking and feeling that it has occurred before.
I've experienced this phenomenon since I was a young teenager.
In the past week, I've had it three times, which is a bit much. Much more than normal.
It's never in a larger-than-life situation; it usually happens during a mundane task.
Like last Sunday, Kanyon was bouncing on my lap at church as the congregation was singing a certain song and somebody leaned over and said a certain phrase to me. I knew in that moment I'd lived it before.
It's rather a strange sensation.
Do any of you have it as often as I do?
I've heard it said that experiencing deja vu means that you're living your life on track, that you've viewed your life before, and when you experience it, you're doing what you should be doing in this life.
Do you think that's true?
Is that even possible?
I'm never for certain if my deja vu is something I've experienced previously in a night-time dream, because my dreams are so vivid, or if it really is something that I remember from the pre-mortal life.
What do YOU think?


Kayce said...

I learned in a psychology class that deja vu happens when we experience something very similar to something we've done before, so our brain retrieves the other memory and thinks it's the same thing. Not quite as exciting as the other thing though =)

birdeeb said...

That would be cool your description of it ;o)! I have had a few deja vu moments, but can't think of any at this time... ;o)

Melissa said...

I have deja vu moments all the time, and there have been times when it has been from a dream, of a place I have never been, and then I will experience it.
So, personally, I have never agreed with the "psychology class" version which a psychology professor also tried to convince me of.
I mean, how can I have a dream about a place I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE and then as the future becomes the present I find myself in that place?
I like your description much better. :)

My Weightloss Journey said...

I so agree... And I have it all the time too!! Mainly dreams that come true.. I will dream or an argument between a family member and I normally have a bad reaction or say something and it turns out badly. Then when the Deja Vu happens I react differently and it goes as I would have hoped?? Weirdest thing ever though.. I think we have talked about this phenomenon in our lives before.. speaking of deja vu :)