Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1 + 2 = 3

ONE birthday boy
TWO family parties
THREE years of life
Happy Birthday Kanyon! Having you in our family has been the grandest adventure! We love you and are so grateful you are growing into such a big boy! You bring our lives such happiness and joy, and we can't imagine what are our lives would be without you!

Special Thanks to Grandma P. for making the fun train cake, to Grandma T. for the cute train set, to Mick & Jen for the little tractors, and to everyone who remembered him on his special day! At age 3, Kanyon's favorites are:
TOYS--trains, cars, trucks, tractors, books, lego blocks, balls
ACTIVITIES--exploring outdoors, playing in the dirt pile, jumping in puddles, "helping" grandpa on the ranch, playing golf at dad's work, playing "Putt-Putt" computer games, bossing his brothers
TV SHOWS--Diego, Dora, Max & Ruby, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Thomas the Train
MOVIES--Cars, Polar Express
FOOD--cheese, hamburger, hot dogs, ketchup, pudding, ice cream
IMPERSONATIONS--growling like a bear, mewing like a cat, yipping like a puppy

1 comment:

Hailey Linger said...

I can't believe how the time has flown. He's grown so much. When he started growl talking at Amanda's the other day it was so flippin cute. Happy 3rd Birthday Kanyon!