In an effort to truly savor the chocolate, and to make the deliciousness and memories last as long as possible from that incredible trip, I only ate two little squares of chocolate from a bar every day. In doing so, the chocolate bars lasted a year before the last squares of the last chocolate bar were consumed.
The daily chocolate consumption started a habit for me. A habit I like to call "Rewarding Myself". Let me explain...I don't like getting out of bed in the morning. I never have. My bed feels the most comfortable and cozy to me in the early morning hours. I want to lay there all day. But, alas, I am a mother. I have four children. I have responsibilities. I have duties. I have obligations. So...I force myself to get out of bed each day.
If my morning bed is the most comfortable place for me, then equally so, my morning shower is the most refreshing activity for me. I feel new and whole and ready to start each new day after having my shower. And, after my daily shower, I treat myself to two pieces of chocolate. One chocolate is a reward for getting out of bed. The other chocolate is a reward for being ready to face the day and whatever it brings my way!!
I have a beautiful dish that stores the chocolate in my room. It is in a place above the childrens' reach. I buy chocolate whenever it's on sale (after holidays are over is the best time), so that I always have some on hand and never run out! I admit I'm in love with chocolate. But, I also admit that being a mother is difficult. My daily chocolate consumption is my own personal remedy for dealing with the challenges of motherhood!!! After all, Desserts is Stressed spelled backwards!!!
I can't think of a better reward. Chocolate must have been invented for women. I'm amazed you made it last that long. Jason and I scarfed ours on the way to Boise after we dropped Wy at your house. Oh there was something else in the bag too if I remember correctly (he he).
See, that's why I love you so much. You do know how to take care of YOU! Who else would know that a piece of chocolate is the remedy for almost everything. I plan on having gobs of it in my freezer for your next visit. Thanks for the insight. Chocolate is not what makes me most happy. I am a caramel girl. Mmmmm.
MMMmmmm....I too love chocolate and I agree, although...I have had more lately than I would like to admit...
Wise woman! Every mother needs a pat on the back sometimes. I am glad that you get one. Good woman!
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