Ryan is a gem, and a rare one, too. He's the best kind of friend to have, and I am so grateful for his presence in Josh's life. They were friends in high school, during their missions, when they each got married, and are still friends even now. Josh doesn't really get too close to people, and he doesn't feel like he "needs" friends, except for one exception: Ryan and Josh will be friends forever.
There are so many good things to say about Ryan, I don't even know where to start. I love Ryan for his genuine goodness. He serves others effortlessly; he cares about everyone he comes in contact with, and he shows his concern for the welfare of others. He has the kindest heart of any man that I know, and he is so patient.
Ryan is amazing with his hands. He creates beautiful pieces of furniture. And he has a talent for coming up with concepts to maximize and utilize and organize space and then he builds his concept, turning ideas into reality. I love admiring his work!
Ryan grew up in a family with 8 kids, and he is so good with children. Before he had children of his own, he loved being around his nieces and nephews. And now that he's a father, he emulates the love he feels for his daughters. He is a great dad, and he delights in spending time at home fulfilling that role.
He is a rock: he's physically strong, and he also has a strong testimony. I have never heard him say a rude word, or cuss, or act in a way that is unbecoming. He is Christ-like and strives to be the best he can be in all areas of his life. He is righteous and treats others with respect and kindness. He has served in Elders Quorum presidencies, in Bishoprics, and is now on the High Council in his stake. Even though he spends a lot of time serving others, he's always treated the relationship with his wife Heidi as his highest priority. And because of this, they have a commendable marriage.
Ryan is also an amazing baker. His sugar cookies are the most delicious I've ever had. And one time several years ago, he made me a shake that was so good, I've never forgotten it. I've benefited from his delectable treats many times, so I'm glad he shares his sweet concoctions with others!
Ryan, thank you for your friendship to my hubby Josh. I'm so grateful he has you, and I'm so grateful for the example you are to us. You have improved the lives of so many, including ours! Thank you for being a living example of the testimony that you bear.
Ryan is an awesome person, husband and father. And I am glad that he married Heidi and that he is Josh's best friend also.
Thanks Ryan for all the good you do.
Rayn is totally AWESOME and yes, Ayla & I are extremely spoiled. But so grateful for him! He is a wonderful guy and thank you for the beautiful post!
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