Jane is Josh's dad's older sister. I first met her when Josh and I were engaged. We drove to Idaho to see Josh's grandpa Rex receive the Idaho Cattleman's Award, and Jane had flown in from Wisconsin to be there for it, too. The awards banquet got over really late, so we decided to spend the night at Josh's aunt Linette's house instead of driving back to Utah that night. Aunt Jane also spent the night there. Josh and I were sleeping in different rooms, but we stayed up pretty late talking. I remember Aunt Jane coming down to the room and telling us that the Holy Ghost leaves at midnight, and that it was time for Josh to go to his room to sleep!! I appreciate her having our best interest in her heart, but there was no need for worry--and I still laugh when I think of that memory!
Jane is the mother of nine children: the oldest is a boy, the youngest is a boy, and there's seven daughters in between!!! Jane was born to be a mother. She had five younger siblings, and she grew up on a ranch that had several extra workers in the summer. In her youth, Jane helped feed the ranchhands and the family. After those years of working in the kitchen to feed everyone, and then becoming a mother to nine children, Jane has perfected the art of feeding an army! She is a fabulous cook! Her meals are heart-warming and comforting and soooo delicious! I love eating her food! The special ingredient she includes in her meals is love, and I can always feel it when I partake of her food! She makes feeding the masses look so easy, because she never seems stressed out in the kitchen--she always looks right at home!
When Josh was a little boy, his family lived in Jerome for a couple of years. He remembers that whenever they took a trip to visit his grandparents' ranch in Salmon, Aunt Jane's home in Moore was the halfway stop. His family stopped there on the trip, and he looked forward to it, not only because he got to play with his cousins, but also because she always had the best snacks: either homemade beef jerky, or homemade fruit leather!
Jane is a wonderful woman. In many ways, she reminds me of my mother: her life is devoted to serving others, and she is happiest when she is helping those around her. She is a great mom to her kids, and does whatever she can to help them be happy in their own lives. She has sacrificed so much for her family, and they are the most important part of her life. She loves being a mom, and she loves spending time with her children and grandchildren. We lived next door to her for a couple of years here in Salmon before she moved away, and it was so fun to have such a great neighbor! One summer morning, when Ammon was about 3 or 4, he walked down to Aunt Jane's house after he woke up. We weren't awake yet, and had no idea he was even gone. He felt right at home in Jane's house, and went in and sat up at her kitchen counter. She was surprised when she walked into the kitchen and saw him there, and he promptly told her that he was ready to eat breakfast! Even young ones can feel her love and appreciate her food!
She is so talented: in addition to cooking, she's also an amazing seamstress. She loves making homemade gifts for her family, and she's sewn blankets and crocheted afghans and tied quilts and created pajamas and made clothing and aprons for them and many others. She enjoys giving of herself, and she is so good at sharing what she has with others.
Jane is genuinely concerned for everyone she knows, and she cares so much about the welfare of others. She is devoted to her religion, and always tries to do what's right and to be a faithful follower of Christ. She has a firm testimony of the gospel, and she has a strong relationship with the Lord. I admire her ability to always remain steadfast in the gospel, even towards the challenges she's faced. She has an optimistic attitude towards life, and can see the silver lining in any trial she's enduring. I love her attitude and I appreciate that she can always bring a smile and a laugh to any situation!
Jane, I sure do love you. I'm glad I've had so many opportunites to get to know you better! I'm so grateful for your positive influence in my life, and Josh's life, and the lives of my children! Thank you for the love you've shared with us, and for the support you've always given us! I love seeing your beautiful smile and being around you and feeling your great attitude!
1 comment:
Thank you for this awesome post! Yes, Jane is quite the cool mother!
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