Monday, December 6, 2010

6th Day of Christmas - Holly friend HOLLY
I first met Holly...well, actually I've never met her. Her blog was listed on another friend's blog, and one day when I was blog-hopping, I ended up there. The first time I visited her blog, I read all the posts on the front page, and continued reading posts for an hour. I felt an instant connection with her. I felt like I'd met her before, like I knew her, like we were already friends. It was strange. That happens to me occasionally when I meet someone for the first time, but I don't normally feel that way after reading a stranger's blog. Although, I guess 'technically' Holly isn't a stranger because she is married to Nate, who I grew up with. Her husband was in my high school graduating class as well as my church sunday school class. Nate was also my date to the Senior Hop dance. I have fond memories of that date--I spent half the night in the bathroom with extreme stomache pains and I went to the emergency room after he took me home, where the Dr. diagnosed me with a stomache ulcer. My one and only ever. Sooo not fun. I always felt bad for spoiling the date. Sorry about that, Nate.

Anyways, back to Holly...I had this huge desire all summer long to hop on a flight and go visit her at her place, which just so happens to be on the other side of the U.S. That was also very strange for me--I never do anything like that. Every time I looked at buying plane tickets, I talked myself out of it because it would've appeared really weird for me to go visit her for no apparent reason when we'd never even met. That explains just how strong of a connection I felt with her after spending an hour with her blog!

I really like Holly. I like her style. She is so open, and she shares her feelings freely. I value that tremendously! I love reading her thoughts and feelings that she puts so well into words. I always know what she says is exactly how she feels, because she doesn't hold back. Holly knows who she is, and she is comfortable in her own skin. We would get along so well!

Holly is so talented! She is creative and crafty: she makes cute crafts and she sews and she scrapbooks. She is a musician: she's played the flute and piccolo and drums and piano. She is a photographer: she loves taking photos, and she is good at it! She's a cook: she makes yummy-sounding food all the time, and I'm usually drooling from the descriptions and photos of her meals. She's smart and she's a writer: like I said, I love her style of writing.

She is my kind of girl. In several different aspects, she reminds me of me. I guess that's why I feel like we've met and why I feel like I know her, even though I didn't read her blog until just this year! And I've enjoyed learning more about her and getting to know her through her blog. Three things I've learned this year that Holly loves: cats, shoes, and diet coke!!! And I've also come to know that Holly is self-motivated, a hard worker, understanding, a good listener, and she is funny!

Holly is passionate about adoption. November is Adoption Awareness month, and each day during the month of November, she posted stories and tidbits and experiences about adoption. I learned so much, and I'm really grateful for her views on the topic. Nate and Holly are hoping to adopt. They will be excellent parents! They compliment each other so well, and are such a cute couple. Their strong relationship and their lives are filled with love, hope, and faith. I hope and pray for them constantly; I want so badly for their desires and dreams of becoming parents to come true. Their adoption blog button is on my sidebar. Click on it, take a peek, and pass it along!

Holly, thank you for your frienship. Especially at that one point this summer. I am so grateful for the bonding connection that I feel with you. You are one cool chick, and I truly hope that one day we will meet!!


Holly said...

Thanks for the blog love Kala. It really boosted my spirits today.

Marsha said...

I think that is so funny that you have never met Holly. Scott and I were in band with Nate and Holly at USU. She is a very funny gal.