definition of BEST:
1. of the highest quality, excellence, or standing.
2. most advantageous, suitable, or desirable.
definition of FRIEND:
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; support.
I've had many "Best Friends" throughout my lifetime.
In the early years of my youth, my family moved around a lot due to my father's military job and the several universities he attended to earn his teaching degree. During those years, I had one 'Best Friend' a year, and each year it was a different person. When our family finally settled in Tremonton, I was in the 4th grade. Instead of moving and having to find a 'new' best friend, our family stayed, so I was forced to learn how to keep the friends I'd made, because we were no longer moving away from them. That was when I really started learning about what true "best friends" were, because after being friends with someone for longer than a year, you begin discovering personality flaws, you begin having disagreements, you begin to uncover the true being and nature of the person--and best friends love another, not for who they are, but in spite of who they are! It isn't until you've seen another's faults and you still love them and support them and remain friends, then the term "best friends" takes on its true value, with deeper feelings and greater understanding.
Since becoming an adult, I've had several 'best friends'. Each one still usually lasts only a year or two, just like in my early youth, mostly due to reasons of moving (either I move away, or my friend does). True best friends remain my friends for life, but the time spent with them becomes much less frequent because of the distance and contact with them unfortunately turns into the once a year meeting (if that). These best-friends-turned-distant-friends are dear to my heart, and always will be: Cindy Taylor, Becky Durrant, Kayleen Ball, Marie Hansen, Emily Higbee, Candise Gilbert, Amy Baldwin, Celyn Ganske. I think about them and reflect on memories I have with them and I miss them.
I'm a person who thrives on having many acquaintances, but I need one close, good, true 'best' friend. I am so lucky to have more than just that one right now. There are five local people who I feel I can call my 'best' friend for many different reasons. I have five friends who I can turn to, who I love and who care about me, who are important to me and will be for my lifetime:
Hailey Girl is my bestest Gal Pal. We've been friends for over 5 years, and we never run out of things to talk about, things to laugh about, things to cry about. Hailey knows all my "uglies" and she chooses to love me anyways. Hailey has the very best heart of anyone I know. She is full of optimism, she is very understanding, she is extremely loving and caring. She listens and shares, she laughs and enjoys, she is honest and open, she is giving and inviting. She is delightful and easy-going and fun. I enjoy every minute I spend with her, and I always come away feeling like a better person because of her.

John is my favorite guy friend. I've known him for over 3 years. He makes me laugh with his quick wit sense of humor, he causes me to think and ponder things using his knowledge and intelligence, he gets me to open up my mind and heart with his own honesty about life. John is so talented! We share a love for music and performing and the arts. His ears always are in tune with music, he has an eye for beauty and for detail, he has an amazing ability to lead others, his hands create inspirational art pieces. I just adore him and I love spending time with him!
Denise is my best older & wiser friend! I've known her for almost 6 years. Denise has so many real-life experiences and she always knows the right thing to say and do to help others enduring hardships. She is so crafty and creative! We've spent many hours together just creating and talking. Any time I spend with her is quality. We talk about real things, real feelings, real life. We think very similarly and have lived through similar life experiences, and I know that she always understands me. I admire her tremendously and I enjoy being with her!

Kimi is my best younger & carefree friend. She reminds me of myself when I was her age. She has babysat my children for years. And now that she's an older teen, I've found myself becoming quite attached to her as well. She knows who she is, and she values herself. She is so much fun to be around, and we spend a lot of time laughing and chatting. She has a wild streak in her like I do, and sometimes we do crazy things together. She feels like a younger sister to me, and we have an unexplained divine connection. Kimi brings out the smiles in me and I love that about her!
Josh is my BFF--best friend forever and ever. We were friends long before we were married. I don't keep any aspect of my life from him. He knows me better than anyone, and we're still together--which says a lot! I love him for listening to me, for being reliable, for taking care of me and our family, for being my rock. He's definitely the better half of our relationship because he's the solid one, the stable one, the strong one. He's got a rebellious streak that keeps him mysterious and interesting! He's quiet and reserved which balances out with my talkativeness and outgoing personality! I love being alone with him and spending time together with him and keeping our relationship alive!
I feel blessed to have each of these five people's presence in my life. My relationships with each of these individuals have connections that run deep to the core of my very being. These 'best' friendships make my heart happy, my soul content, and my life complete!