I liked mothering my little sisters when I was in my youth.
I understood girls and I couldn't wait to be a mother when I grew up.
Now I am the mother of 4 sons.
And most days I have no idea how to raise boys!
Boys are so different from girls...
Girls are socially active, and use words to express their feelings.
Boys are physically active, and use agression to show their feelings.
Girls like to be pretty, and have nice-smelling things.
Boys hate to change their socks, and have stinky-smelling things.
Girls have lots of emotions.
Boys have lots of energy.
One of the areas that I have no expertise in is the usage of body part grammar with boys.
Boys love to talk about body parts and noisy bodily functions.
When they were little, I had no idea what I would call those parts.
If I used the correct terminology, I'd be hearing those words all day long.
Over and over and over.
That didn't seem like a good option.
But I also didn't want them growing up using cheesy nicknames for their body parts either.
Thankfully, the boys figured out what to call the body parts all by themselves.
"He kicked me in the tenders" Jonah said one day.
And it stuck.
Tenders for privates.
Sounds good to me.
One day, Micah pointed to a bathing Kanyon and said "He has nibbles like me!"
Nibbles for nipples.
I kind of like it.
So, Tenders and Nibbles it is.
Chicken pieces doubling as Body parts.
That's what my little boys are made of!

Thanks Kala! I needed a good chuckle this morning! I love the little terminologies kids come up with. Much better than anything we could think of(in my opinion). Your boys are adorable.
thats too funny. we always called out girl parts twinks and my girls do now too. but boy parts are harder to nickname. so far, we are going with wiener!
Can I please have a copy of that picture in their awesome argyle sweaters? Sidenote, you do have an older sister :) Lisa!
LOL That is so cute!! I use the correct terminology, but yeah it's natural for guys to make up names for their parts ;o) My brothers used to say nads or something like that haha! I didn't think I was cut out to raise girls until last night I ended up curling my daughter's Strawberry Shortcake doll's hair cause it was nappy...came out CUTE! Then my daughter said, "Do my hair like Scrawberry's!" Ahhh I love my kids!! I also express to my kids my feelings and so they will tell me I am making them angry or sad...both my boy & girl do it. Makes it nice ;o)
I know what you mean about having boys. Frankly, I think I enjoy dealing with their emotions better than a girls. My daughter is so much like me it is hard to handle sometimes.
We use the appropriate names for their parts. After Adam was born I was about to change his diaper and Issac saw his belly button and said, what's on his wiener? Funniest thing... just curious. Good luck with the boys. They seem to be bulldozers in every way shape and form.
He He! Wyatt calls them marbles or biscuits thanks to Jason. It works for me. Cute photo.
Hee - such a cute post! Don't know how I wandered my way over here, it was kind of a maze if I remember right. But so glad I stopped by.
Best wishes!
haha! Boys are so different than girls...I love this post
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