Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sports Illustrated by our Son

Ammon is our sports child. It doesn't matter the season, he LOVES playing sports! Each night at dinner, we ask the children their favorite part of the day, and his response is always either participating in P.E. or playing football at recess. And regardless of who's playing or what sport it is, he's become like his father and watches ESPN all evening--commenting about the various teams and sports while viewing them. This winter, he's participated in several sports, and we've enjoyed watching him grow and improve in his athletic abilities.

He participated in a 6-week-long basketball jamboree in November and December and had a great time learning skills and playing in the scrimmages!
He's gone ice skating with his school at the city skate pond. He's outgrown his skates, so this year he slides around on his shoes instead, but still has so much fun!
He's part of the youth bowling league which bowls every Friday from October to April, and he loves it! He's already achieved a new high score of 134!

1 comment:

birdeeb said...

That's awesome! How do you keep up with all the sports? I want to get Benjamin into things like that, but don't know where to start! Do the team things cost?