Thursday, January 21, 2010

My (11-year-long) Project

When we were growing up, us children had our own individually decorated stockings. They were all very different, just as us siblings were. My own stocking was made from felt, and on the front of it was a girl with black yarn hair and a pretty dress made from different shades of felt. I loved my childhood stocking!

After I got married, I had a desire to make my own family's stockings inspired by my childhood one. Before our 1st Christmas together, I made mine and Josh's--an angel and a cowboy. Before Ammon's 2nd Christmas, I made his--a little drummer boy. Before the twins' 3rd Christmas, I made theirs--a shepherd and a nutcracker soldier. And finally, a week after Christmas this year so as to be ready for his 4th Christmas next year, I made Kanyon's--a wise man.

It really should never have taken this long to complete the project that I started 11 years ago, but I'm so glad that I've finished the stockings! Mine and Josh's were made following a pattern, and after that, I created my own designs to make the boys'. I think they're adorable and I love admiring them while they're hung during the holiday season!


Franson Funny Farm said...

Kala- Those ARE adorable. You did a super great job on them. I like how you created your own patterns. You are so good with that. They are something to be proud of for years to come.

Gina said...

Kala- You are so incredibly talented. They are adorable! Way cute and a you are a fun mom.

darcymae said...

those are SO cute!! i am so impressed that you designed them yourself!

Sunshine Designed said...

Very nice! I'm sure Ruthi is delighted to see the tradition continue.