Saturday, October 6, 2018

Friends, Food, Floating, Firelit Sky, & Farmers Market

One of my MOST favorite memories this summer was the weekend I got to spend with some of my girlfriends from Terreton. I started hanging out with a group of ladies last fall. We got together once a month during the school year to play dominoes, and once a month to hang out doing something different (going to dinner, a movie, or doing an activity). We've taken turns hosting dominoes throughout the year, and I've loved getting to know these ladies. Instead of having monthly dominoes game nights during the summer (because everyone's schedules were different and busy), I offered to host a get-together at my house in Salmon. We decided on a Friday in the middle of July to accommodate everyone's vacation plans. As it approached, though, some of the ladies could no longer come. We changed our plans accordingly: instead of just doing an evening activity, we decided to do an all-day event. Tanis and Val came up that morning, stopped at the Amish store on their way, and arrived around lunch time. I met them in town, and we ate out at the Bistro. I loved seeing my friends! I'd missed them!

We drove out to my house afterwards, and then got ready to float the river. Josh came with us, too. Tanis and Val rode in individual tubes, and Josh and I rode in the double tube. It was delightful! We rode from 11-mile to Shoup Bridge. When we got to the Shoup Bridge, Tanis and Val decided to keep going, but Josh and I got out. We let them use the double tube, and took their individual tubes. I came home, made dinner, and then about an hour and half later, Josh and I drove into town to pick them up from the Island Park bridge. They'd had quite the adventure in our absence--hitting a downed tree in the water, getting out on the wrong side of the island, and having difficulties climbing a small cliff to get out of the water as well as lift up the giant tube. Thankfully, with some help from strangers, they made it. Our friend Angie drove up from Terreton with her husband, and she met up with us when we picked up Val and Tanis at the bridge site. We brought them all back to our house, and I fed them chicken enchiladas, chips and fresh salsa, and watermelon for dinner. Then we sat out in the yard for a long while until Tanis and Val left to go back to Terreton.

I drove Angie back to the campground where she was staying overnight, and went to work that evening at the golf course with Josh. The sunset was absolutely incredible!!

The next morning, I drove to town and met Angie at the Farmer's Market. It was the first time I'd gone this summer. I can honestly say it was the funnest time I've ever had at the Famer's Market, too! Angie is so social, and knows so much about so many different homemade products, and she had genuine questions and good conversation with EVERY single booth owner! I loved walking around with her! Her husband picked her up from there, and took her back to Terreton.

Having my friends here made me so happy! I felt so relaxed in their company, and we had a genuine good time! They made me laugh, and the conversation was so enjoyable! After they had all left, Josh and I were discussing how nice it was to have them in our home. He said to me, "You have really nice friends". I know. I'm so blessed! They've helped me to transition to my new weekly life in Terreton. They are so accepting of me, and I love them for that! They are all different from each other, and we complement each other nicely in our group.

It made my heart so glad to know that people would come visit me in Salmon. Ammon remarked to me after their visit, "Your friends spent more time here than some of your family". Sadly, it's true. I've had to come to terms with the fact that living far from my family means that not everyone wants to make the effort to come visit me. I've built several relationships with friends that feel as strong as family relationships. After all, friends are the family you choose! Knowing that these girls chose to spend time with me this summer greatly impacted my heart and soul. Spending time with them in Salmon was priceless and an experience that I cherish!

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