January 2: Kanyon's been begging to play the game "Things" all winter break, so finally last night we did. It was so funny playing with our boys. For the card "things firemen do in between fires", Micah wrote down "drink beer". When we finally discovered who'd written it, he said "I wanted to say something that sounded more grown-up-ish!" (we were playing with other adult family & friends). We all got a good laugh from that one! And then of course "drink beer" was an answer for every "things" card after that!
January 3: That was the first earthquake I've experienced in my life!!
January 5 (From Meriah Baker): This picture made my day, I love teaching your boys, Kala Tolman. They are so special to me.
January 9: Swish! I've loved watching Ammon's 3-point shots go straight into the hoop at the last 3 home games!!
January 10 (From Tawna Glover): My parents were so excited to get their late Christmas present!!
January 11: 15 years ago today I became a mom for the first time to the biggest-headed baby in the hospital's nursery (and there were a LOT of babies born during our few days' stay in that hospital since it was the start of a new millennium!). Here's 5 photos to represent the stages in his life so far (as an infant: 1 week old, as a toddler: 3 years old, as an elementary student: 5 years old in Kindergarten, as a middle schooler: 10 years old in 5th grade, and as a high schooler: 15 years old in 9th grade). Happy Birthday Ammon! We sure love having you as our son!

January 12: Since I didn't make my weight-loss goal yet, I won't be going to Mexico any time soon like I'd originally hoped. BUT....I did just purchase tickets for me and Ammon to visit my sister and her family in Virginia instead!!! I've wanted to go for years, and I'm so excited that it will finally happen this year! Only 6 more weeks!!
January 15: I have weaknesses, and the more I try to steer clear of them, the more I can't stop thinking about them: Cheetos Puffs, Zesty Salsa Sun Chips, Roasted Sweet Potato Triscuits, and Smartfood's White Cheddar Popcorn. And the problem is, once I start eating one of these, I can't stop until the whole bag or box is gone in one sitting!!!
January 16: I cried myself to sleep last night after watching the "Parenthood" episode. I've never been this attached to a TV series before, and I am in mourning that there's only 2 shows left!!!
January 17: I'm in the process of writing a blog post about my Grandma's funeral from December, and I was reflecting back on my Grandpa's funeral in 2002. I was looking at pictures from both, and I suddenly realized that my sisters and I are standing in the same order both times. I like comparing them side-by-side to see how much we've changed! It kind of reminded me of the movie "Little Women": at the start of the movie, Amy is so young and small compared to the older 3 sisters, but by the end of the movie, Amy is suddenly all grown up and it appears as if she's caught up with the age of the older 3!
January 18: Don't be peanut butter and jealous! (to which Josh replied: "Don't hate us cuz you ain't us!" And then I replied: "haters gonna hate, ainters gonna aint.") [they're lines from a movie we had just watched]
January 19: Our family was just sitting around eating cookies tonight, when suddenly 7-year-old Kanyon exclaimed, "OH! I just remembered how to spell reptile! R-E-A-P and then 'tile' after that". We all look at each other with puzzled faces. Jonah says "there's no 'A' in reptile", and Kanyon emphatically replied "YES, there is!". No one disputed it after that. Because, he is, after all, the baby of the family!
January 22: After having a rough day yesterday, I was delighted to come home late last night to find that the garbage can had been taken down to the road (it's quite a trek to get it there), because today was garbage day. The first thing I said when I walked in the door was "WHO took down the garbage can?" Micah quietly said "I did". And my whole heart melted right then, to know that he thought of it and did it all on his own. It's the small things in life that make such a huge difference, and it was truly the highlight of my day!!!
January 24: One of Josh and I's 2015 goals is to take one of our boys out on a date each month. Tonight was Ammon's turn, and he picked to eat at the Chinese Restaurant. I've only eaten their lunch buffet before, but dinner there was a great choice! It was super filling and delicious, and the take-home boxes are full of tomorrow's lunch, too!
January 26: I have struggled with my Educational Psychology college class the last 2 months, and I am SO relieved and glad and proud of myself to have passed the final exam today!! So since I don't have to study tonight, I'm rewarding myself by assembling a piece of furniture that I ordered online (and have been anxiously waiting for), which finally arrived today!
January 28: [posted by Josh] You know you live in Salmon when traffic on the highway is backed up in both directions while someone gets out of their truck to shoo the ducks off the road.
January 28: I hate that Salmon doesn't have a Redi-Care! Im pretty sure I have strep throat, and they can't even fit me in to do a swab! Ive got a fever of 104, and cannot swallow and I'm dying I swear! Although, in comparison, this is nothing compared to what the guy went through in "Unbroken"! Rant over and out.
January 29: The strangest thing happened to me in the middle of the night: I woke up at 3:30, used the bathroom, and went to the kitchen to take my next round of ibuprofen. I wanted to check my temperature first, so I picked up the thermometer and turned it on, then I took 2 steps to open the fridge door so I could have enough light to see what it said. As I was taking those two steps, I felt strange and thought I was going to puke, but then I realized it was actually the feeling I get right before I pass out. And 15 minutes later, I woke up on the kitchen floor. I couldn't get up, so I tried calling to Josh, but because I don't have much of a voice right now, he couldn't hear me. I thought I would just reach to open and shut the fridge door, because that would wake him, but when I opened my eyes, I realized my hands and face were in front of the dishwasher--5 feet away from the fridge (where my feet were). I apparently passed out sideways! I waited about 10 more minutes before I could sit up, and finally took my temp (I was still holding the thermometer in my hand), took the medicine, and walked back to bed. Although I don't understand why it happened, I feel so lucky that I didn't fall straight back and hit my head!
January 30: I loved the movie "Into the Woods" so, So, SOOO much!!! The music is brilliant, the storyline is genius, the actors were amazing, and the production was both hilarious and tear-jerking!
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