I already listed my review of last year's goals on my previous blog post. I am a goal-oriented person, and I love when I am able to accomplish everything that I hoped to!
April 2014 in Seattle |
1. PHYSICAL: Lose 25 more pounds to earn my hoped-for Mexico vacation (I started this weight-loss journey last summer and want to finish it!)
2. SPIRITUAL: Go to the temple 6x, and go to at least one new temple I've never been to before
3. EDUCATIONAL: Complete 30 college credits (I've got to push myself harder to achieve more)
4. SOCIAL: Do at least 2 acts of service each month (I really liked my service goal last year, and wanted to increase the amount)
5. PERSONAL: Do 10 blog posts each month, including one personal monthly post that I talk about my feelings, thoughts, or personal experiences (I want to make sure I'm journaling and recording more than just our family's activities)
6. FAMILY: Take one boy on a date each month (I did this two years ago and really liked it, and missed doing it last year)
7. FINANCIAL: Pay for a trip to visit my sister and her family in Virginia
These were his 2014 goals (and his terrible report of completing them!):
1. Get at least 50% Home Teaching done this year--fail
2. Pay off car and credit card--paid off car, but not the credit card
3. Get weight under 200 lbs.--fail
4. Read Old Testament--fail
5. Climb at least 1 mountain--fail
6. Get to a 20 handicap or less--fail
7. Break our horse Mia to ride--fail
8. Spend one-on-one time with boys each month--fail
August 2014 in Yellowstone Nat'l Park |
1. Lose 2 inches off waist
2. Run in one competitive race
3. Climb a new mountain
4. Fast once a month
5. Pay fast offerings
6. Pay off credit card
7. Camp in a new spot
8. Do something individual with one of our boys each month
These were his 2014 goals:
1. Get straight A's in school--achieved
2. Write in my journal at least once a week--failed
3. Beat my lowest score at golf--achieved
4. Don't hurt my brothers more than once a week--failed
5. Teach at least 4 lessons in Young Men's at church--failed
6. Be able to play at least 10 hymns on the piano--failed
7. Save $2,000 and spend less than $500--saved $2k, but spent more than $500
8. Play with the extras in Men's Golf League twice a month in summer--achieved
9. Do a service for someone every day--failed
10. Be the 3rd runner on the cross country team--achieved
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July 2014 at Big 8 Mile Creek |
1. PHYSICAL: Run a mile in 5:15
2. PHYSICAL: Break even in golf (get par on course)
3. SPIRITUAL: Read the Book of Mormon
4. EDUCATIONAL: Get straight A's5. PERSONAL: Save $3,000
6. HOME/FAMILY: Clean room every week
These were his 2014 goals:
1. SCHOOL: Earn AR Goal (Accelerated Reading) every quarter--achieved
2. HOME: Play less than 2 hours a day on video games--failed
3. FAMILY: Don't call brothers names--failed
4. CHURCH: Actually sing in primary--failed
5. CHURCH: Pay attention in Sacrament meeting and Primary class--achieved
6. PHYSICAL: Exercise 5 days a week--achieved
June 2014 at Craters of the Moon |
1. SPIRITUAL: Learn how to tie a tie
2. EDUCATIONAL: Get all A's
3. PHYSICAL: Run in a fun run race
4. PERSONAL: Don't make anymore annoying sounds
5. HOME/FAMILY: Give everyone a gift for their birthday
These were his 2014 goals:
1. Don't name call--failed
2. Listen in Sacrament meeting and Primary class--failed
3. Read at least 2 books a month--achieved
4. Save $200--achieved
5. Get all A's in school--achieved
6. Don't say "freaking" or "frick"--failed
7. Exercise 2 times a week--achieved
March 2014 at Arches Nat'l Park |
1. PHYSICAL: Run in a fun run face
2. PHYSICAL: Join the Cross Country team
3. SPIRITUAL: Go to the temple when I turn 12
4. EDUCATIONAL: Get straight A's
5. PERSONAL: Save money and don't spend more than $20 a month
6. HOME/FAMILY: Don't say "frick" or "frickin"
These were his 2014 goals:
1. Don't be mean at school--achieved
2. Brush my teeth every night--failed
3. Get ready by myself every morning--achieved
4. Weed garden row by myself--achieved
March 2014 in Moab |
And a list of his 2015 goals:
1. PHYSICAL: Swim in the deep end without a life jacket
2. EDUCATIONAL: Learn to tie my shoes
3. SPIRITUAL: Don't play dad's phone more than half of Sacrament meeting
4. PERSONAL: Buy a laptop
5. HOME/FAMILY: Do laundry by myself
Last year, we started having family goals, too. I'm so glad, as I feel that working on common goals together brings us unity and strength. Here's a review of our family goals from 2014:
FAMILY GOAL #1: Finish reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year--failed. We read it on weekday nights, rather than just on Monday nights at Family Home Evening like we used to, but we still didn't get all the way through it.
FAMILY GOAL #2: Have family prayer and family scripture study every weekday night (this is in conjunction with the first goal)--achieved.
FAMILY GOAL #3: Have a lesson from the "Preach my Gospel" manual at every Family Home Evening--achieved. Josh, Kala, and Ammon alternated between teaching the lessons. Sometimes we did a special activity together instead of the lesson, but I don't count that as a fail in the least!
We talked about our 2015 goals together, and here's what we decided on:
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September 2014 in Salmon |
FAMILY GOAL #1: Finish reading the Book of Mormon. We are currently in 3rd Nephi, and I know obtaining this goal (that we started in 2013) is possible!
FAMILY GOAL #2: Have a lesson from "Preach my Gospel" at Family Home Evening. I want to be able to make it all the way through the manual!
FAMILY GOAL #3: Invite one family to join us for dinner once a month in our home. This will help us to get to know the families in our ward better, and we look forward to accomplishing this goal on a monthly basis!
While there are some "fails" on your goal lists, I am sooooo impressed with all those that were achieved! Your family rocks and think it is so great that you are goal oriented but also that you work and play together always. Kala, you and Josh are great parents and a good example for me and many others too I would imagine. Thank you!
Ha- Your family goal #3 is my personal goal this year too! Great minds think alike :)
Love that you posted your families goals. We usually put them in a note book when we make them in December and pull them out the following December. I have printed them for everyone to see this year to help us accomplish them.
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