Since we'd stayed out late on Christmas Eve, the boys actually slept in later than normal on Christmas morning. As a booby trap, I put a wall of dining chairs at the edge of the family room so if anyone came out of their rooms to sneakily look in the living room in the middle of the night, I would've heard them. But they didn't, and around 8:00, we all got up and started celebrating Christmas morning together.
Santa left crumbs on the plate I'd left out for him the night before. I didn't end up making any cookies, but I'd taken some muddy buddies to the Linger's, and I had some extra of that, so I put that on Santa's plate instead (much to Kanyon's dismay the next morning when he found out! Since he'd fallen asleep on the drive home the night before, he was unable to set out the plate himself). Thankfully, Kanyon had written a note to Santa the week before, and Jonah had re-written it for him on a larger paper. I'd found their notes by the computer, so I added them next to the plate!

I had the boys open one gift each on Christmas Eve: a pair of new pajamas! I like the tradition that others have, and wanted to start it this year myself! It was hard to find cool pajamas for the older boys, but Josh was successful in all his searching and shopping. The boys liked their comfy new PJ's! (I had to wait until the next day to take their picture, though, since Kanyon didn't get to open his on Christmas Eve).
The tree was so beautiful on Christmas Eve with the gifts all around it, anxiously waiting to be opened! The boys didn't get a lot from Santa this year--most of their gifts were from Josh and I instead.
Kanyon gifts from Santa: sled & RC car |
Jonah's gift from Santa: new Nike shoes (his most highly requested gift) |
Micah's gift from Santa: skis and ski boots |
Ammon's gift from Santa: a new Nike duffel bag |
The boys' first glance at their Santa gifts on Christmas morning:
When they'd emptied out the contents of their stockings (chocolates, soaps, iTunes cards, socks, etc), then it was time to start unwrapping the gifts. We went in order from oldest to youngest, each person opening one gift at a time, and continued the cycle until all the gifts had been opened.
Once in a while, Josh took turns, too. We only had a few gifts: one from my mom and a couple from the boys. We loved the homemade gifts from the kids; they are so special to us!
Kanyon wrapped his gift in a brown bag and wrote on it. |
Kanyon's gift was this ornament, some candy, and a picture of the stable that he drew for Josh and I. It says "The son of God was born on earth". So sweet! |
Micah has become quite the artist, and he drew pictures of Josh & I's favorite animals for us. It was awesome! He'd wrapped them himself in a pizza box. |
I just love giraffes! |
Josh loves horses. This was such a neat drawing! |
The boys drew each other's names to get gifts for one another, too. Ammon got a RC car for Jonah, Jonah got Ammon some Nike Basketball socks, Micah got Kanyon a nerf gun that shoots foam darts, and Kanyon got Micah a light-up board to help when he does tracings. I was so pleased with their thoughtfulness in shopping for one another, and I enjoyed how they took satisfaction in watching the brother they shopped for as well as liking the gifts they received from their brother.
Kanyon playing with his new remote control car on Christmas morning. |
Micah has loved this BSU football & has taken it to school almost every day to play with at recess. |
Jonah's strange request for a gift: jerky!!! |
Micah got a lot of new supplies to help with his new passion of creating art. |
It took about an hour and a half before all the gifts had been opened and the boys started playing with their new toys. Josh & I always gift each other some scratch tickets and chocolate in each other's stocking, so when the boys began playing with their new items, we started scratching away at our hopeful tickets! We both actually made back what we spent this year on each other's tickets (about $20), which was nice!
My winners |
Josh teaching Kanyon how to scratch lottery tickets! |
Before the boys started putting their new stuff away, I took a picture of them with their new Christmas gifts. We'd had them write a gift wish list at the end of November with 5 items on them, and since they'd all been so practical in their desires, they all got everything they wished for (and more).
Micah 5 wishes: pair of skis, new sled, art kit, new football, thick gloves |
Jonah's 5 wishes: black church pants, Nike athletic shoes, Big pack of Jerky, Ipod case, gloves |
Ammon's 5 wishes: Nike sports duffel bag, black church shirt, snowboard pants, snowboard coat, jeans |
Kanyon's 5 wishes: sled, snow boots, travel bag, alarm clock, pac-man wii game |
After a while, we decided to go outside and take advantage of having a white Christmas! Josh started shoveling as the boys went sledding on the hill right next to our driveway. Uncle Malachi was home for Christmas Break too, and he joined the boys in their fun outside.
This snowman lasted from the first major snowfall we'd had until Christmas Vacation. |
Kanyon trying out his new sled |
Malachi maintaining perfect balance! |
Jonah wearing his new goggles. |
Ammon wearing his new snowpants while trying out Malachi's snowboard sled. Kanyon loved that mini green sled! |
Micah wearing his new gloves (he does have a coat, I swear). |
We usually have Christmas dinner that afternoon, but Josh and I decided to have it later so that we weren't stressed about cleaning up Christmas morning. This year, we had dinner at 5:00, and I loved it! We relaxed all morning, played in the afternoon, and then took time to clean up and make dinner. It was absolutely wonderful, and it made the joy of Christmas last all day!!! We ate ham and potatoes au gratin (my first homemade kind--I baked the potatoes and shredded them all, and I can't believe how much effort it takes! I swear I will just go back to using frozen hashbrowns again next time!), rolls, salad, corn, and dessert. We had Edward and Kathy, Tim and Barb, and Malachi join us. Since I didn't ever really decorate my house for Christmas, I tried adding a decorative touch to the dining table for Christmas dinner to make it a little more festive!!

I love spending Christmas day in my own home with my family! I truly enjoyed the entire day this year. I was grateful for my boys and their simple requests, I was so happy to relax and sleep in, I felt so blessed to have snow on the ground, and I felt the true spirit of Christmas in my warm home surrounded with people I love.
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