Josh and I unfortunately missed our Ward's Christmas Dinner Party because it was the same day as my Grandma's funeral in Utah, and we didn't make it back in time. However, I did get to go to my friend Gina's annual Ladies Christmas Party at her house the next day, and I look forward to it every year because of her delicious stuffed mushrooms. They are seriously the best I've had ANYWHERE--even numerous restaurants! I can't rave enough about how much I love them! Anyhoo, the ladies who come all bring some kind of food dish, we sit around talking and eating, and then we play a gift exchange game. I brought a gift of a box of dark chocolates and a sheet of lottery tickets (unfortunately none of them were big winners!), and I took home a few Christmas signs (which I hung around my home to make it look just a tiny bit more festive since I didn't put out the decorations).
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Gina and her mouth-watering stuffed mushrooms. |
The boys talked about decorating cookies for a Home Evening like we did last year. I did not have the desire to do the whole sugar cookie process, so instead, I bought some peanut butter M&M's, and had the boys each decorate some peanut butter cookies with them! They were yummy, and I liked seeing the variety of their handy work, although it wasn't quite as fun for the boys as frosting and sprinkling sugar cookies!
I had no idea what to do for neighbor gifts this year. My mom sent me a cute picture of an idea that her neighbor had done, and I was happy to finally have some direction! However, the gift needed some clear cellophane wrap, and I couldn't find any anywhere! We looked at all the local stores and at Walmart, too, but didn't have any luck. I was beginning to think that we wouldn't be doing any neighbor gifts after all, when I decided to go check out the store Bri-Easy Shipping in town on the last weekend before Christmas. They are in the building where Hallmark used to be, and were selling some of the inventory left over from the gift store. There was ONE roll of clear cellophane there, and I was giddy with excitement to find it and purchase it. I bought some toilet paper at the grocery store, and got to work making about 25 toilet paper snowman. I already had all the rest of the supplies on hand in my craft stuff: all the ribbon, craft pom-poms, googly eyes, and orange felt. I bought some vanilla tootsie rolls and stuffed each core with them before wrapping them up. It was a fun little project; I haven't been this crafty in a long time! I liked how they turned out, but the boys thought they were dumb and wouldn't go with me and Josh to deliver them.
I came up with a poem to go with each snowman (my mom had sent me a different poem that came with the one she got, but I didn't like it as much). I think it took almost as long for me to make the poem as it did making all the snowman! I had a few different versions, but Josh didn't approve of me using the word "shat" or "wipe your bum" in the poem, so this is the final G-rated version!
I came up with a poem to go with each snowman (my mom had sent me a different poem that came with the one she got, but I didn't like it as much). I think it took almost as long for me to make the poem as it did making all the snowman! I had a few different versions, but Josh didn't approve of me using the word "shat" or "wipe your bum" in the poem, so this is the final G-rated version!
I look forward to the Library's Pajama Party with Santa every December. This might be the last year we go to it, however, now that my youngest is growing up. I love listening to Mrs. Casterson read books, and singing alone with Anne as she plays the guitar, and being around the little kids and seeing their excitement when Santa enters the room! It's always a magical night, and it makes me sad to think that these young childhood experiences are ending as my own children age.
Kanyon is wearing the skull pajamas that Aunt Lisa gave him for Christmas last year. He loves these pajamas the most! |
Santa gifted all the children a brown bag with an orange, some peanuts, some candies, and a frisbee gift inside. |
Ammon's Holiday Band Concert was in the high school commons this year, due to the lack of gym space available now that the high school has added 6, 7, & 8 grades to it. There was a swing night in conjunction with the jazz concert. He had a solo with his trumpet in one of the songs, and the band concert lasted about an hour. It was super fun! There was a challenge by Mr. Anderson to give extra credit points to any student who's family members were photographed dancing during the concert, so of course Josh and I were happy to oblige!
I think it's funny that you can see the lady videoing us at the same time this photo was taken! |
I didn't realize until recently just how often I purse my lips together!! |
I like dancing with this man! He's a fabulous dancer! |
The second graders did a unit on different cultures, and worked for weeks researching and writing sentences and making colorful signs, and they had a presentation day to show parents their hard work. They also worked with the Salmon Arts Council making Christmas ornaments of the country's flag they worked on. Kanyon was in the group that had the country Australia. The other members in his group were Rudi, Ava, Gary, and Brylee. Each member of the group talked about the part they individually wrote during the presentation. I liked seeing all the different displays and hearing each child talk about what they learned. Kanyon also gave his portion of the presentation at a school board meeting a couple of weeks ago, and he did a great job!!
Kanyon speaking during the demonstration. In Australia, Santa surfs (as noted by the picture on the board)!! |
Kanyon, Rudi, Brylee, and Gary (Ava was absent that day) |
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