After we moved to Salmon, a coworker of mine offered to give us a king bed for free--it was her father-in-law's, and he had recently passed away, and nobody in the family wanted it. We were excited at the prospect and we went and picked it up. The bed came with a frame, a box springs, and a mattress. The mattress wasn't very old, but the box springs were. We gave away our queen bed, and moved the monstrous bed into our home. We liked having the extra space in bed to sleep, but it wasn't the most comfortable bed. After a year of back-aches, we decided maybe the mattress was too soft, so we bought a brand new mattress--a firmer one, and gave the old mattress away. But after a while, the new mattress seemed to be losing its support as well. We finally decided it was the old box springs that were the culprit of our back pain. So, we removed the box springs, and put two sheets of plywood across the slats under the mattress instead. Wha-la! Instant improvement! The mattress was nice and firm again, and the bed felt like new. In our old house, we put some cinder blocks under the frame to raise up the height of the bed after removing the thick box springs. But after we moved into the new house, we didn't want cinder blocks on the carpet. Because of that, the bed was too low: it was only like a foot off the floor! We hated crawling in and out of it every night and morning.
A few weeks ago, Josh had some meetings in Pocatello. He took the truck, because he needed to deliver a few things from the golf course and home to various places in Eastern Idaho. When he came home, the back of the truck was filled. I had no idea that he intended on picking up stuff to bring home as well, but I was shocked at what was in the truck. He surprised me with a new headboard, frame and box springs for our king bed!
I must admit, I was elated at the thought of sleeping in a "real" bed again!! He put it together the next day, and I've been LOVING my new bed ever since! Thanks Josh!
BEFORE--notice how close to the ground the bed is?!:

AFTER--see how complete my room looks now?!:

Looks great! Don't you just LOVE the space the King Size gives you??
This must be the year of new bedroom sets. We bought one after not having one for 10 years. It is so nice and we are glad we waited til we found one we liked!
Beautiful set. Josh has good taste. He inherited it on his maternal side.
A man would have to be a sprinter to catch his wife in a bed that big!
Yeah! I bet you are loving that King Size Bed and the frame looks great!
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