Friday, January 18, 2013

Thanksgiving and Things

The week of Thanksgiving, we only had a 2-day school week. I took those two days off of work to mend from my knee surgery the previous Friday. On Monday morning when everyone else went to school and work, I was home alone, and I was feeling lonely and pretty sorry for myself. But the remainder of the week quickly helped me forget those feelings of self-pity. 

Kanyon's Kindergarten class had a feast on Tuesday morning, and I was so grateful that since I was off work, I was able to attend it! His little kindergarten class is so adorable, and I enjoyed spending time with them. His teacher Mrs. Foote, had taught the class how to set the table and how to have table manners prior to the snack feast. 
 Kanyon likes spray cheese, so I decorated ritz crackers with smiley faces of cheese on them as our contributions to the feast.
The students in the class had all made Indian hats as homage to the original Thanksgiving feast, and when the class had all gotten their food from the buffet table, then they all got to put their hats on. They were so cute!

On Tuesday night, my parents came up to visit overnight. I was so grateful to see them! We didn't do much, but my mom brought dinner, and we relaxed in typical fashion that evening...

On Wednesday, my parents left, and Josh's brother Malachi and his friend Molly came to town. We went to see the matinee of "Wreck-it Ralph" at the theater in town. All of us really liked it, and it was a fun way to spend the afternoon.

On Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we spent the morning helping prepare the day's feast. Josh made mashed potatoes and cooked the hams. Kathy made rolls and gravy and they had the turkey deep-fried. Scott brought pies, Gideon and Barb brought salads, and the meal was ready to go at 1:00.

Thanksgiving dinner was at Ed & Kathy's house this year. All of Josh's siblings and families came! Uncle Tim & Aunt Barb were there too, as well as Barb's son Scott & his girlfriend Erin. It was a delicious meal!

That afternoon, the adults took naps and rested, while the kids played in and outside together. Thankfully the weather was nice, and they had a great time running around, shooting play guns, and playing tag.

That night, I pulled out my new game "Things" and we all played it together. This has become my most favorite game lately. We'd played it with my parents a few days earlier, too, but this time we had about 15 people playing it. I've never had such a fun time playing that game--we played with adults and kids, and it was hilarious to hear people's responses. For example, the card that said "Things you wouldn't do at a funeral", Gideon's response was "Sing 'Now Let Us Rejoice'". We all burst out laughing when we heard it. Then Jonah asked "Why would lettuce sing anyway?" which made it even funnier! I had a fabulous time with Josh's family and truly enjoyed spending the Thanksgiving day with them!

The next day, on Friday, a big group went to go cut down Christmas trees together, our annual tradition. I was unable to go, but the group had a great time in the beautiful weather and picked out some great trees together.

Josh's sister Tiffany and her family left on Friday afternoon. The boys had such a fun time playing with their cousins and were sad to see them go. On Friday night, we went to see the Parade of Lights show on Main Street in Salmon. I loved seeing the entries in the parade and seeing some of my students on the sidelines, too.

Despite the fact that I was healing from surgery, I had a terrific Thanksgiving week. The highlights for me were eating good food (and leftovers, too), playing Things with Josh's family, attending Kanyon's kindergarten feast, and visiting with my parents. I felt truly blessed and thankful to have had such a wonderful holiday and break from work.

1 comment:

D'Neill said...

We played "Things" with our friends over Christmas and loved it, too! I bet it was quite the game with 15 people!
I'm glad your knee is healing well!