Last week, Jonah and Micah experienced a first: they both lost a tooth on the same day! It just so happened to be the exact same tooth for both of them, and the teeth fell out within minutes of each other!

They were so excited!! Isn't it funny how teeth falling out causes such excitement?! Even though they're already identical twins, they looked like twinners with their matching missing teeth!

They put the teeth in their tooth pillows that Grandma P. made them, and put them under their real pillows when they went to bed. When they awoke, they were happy to find that the tooth fairy rewarded both of them with a dollar!

Of course, Ammon was a little disgruntled about that fact. He couldn't believe that his younger brothers received a dollar; he complained that when he was younger and lost his teeth, he only received a quarter or fifty cents. I told him that inflation caused the tooth fairy's prices to go higher!!
Inflation...LOL! :)
Cute pictures. My sister also posted on her blog today about her son losing a tooth today. I think Trey will be losing more soon.
when i was a kid, we got a dollar from the tooth fairy and i figured thats what my kids would get too. but sisters kids are older (and so started losing teeth first) and they got TWO dollars AND a pack of gum from her. so, of course, my kids had to get the same!
Love their twinner look! Liberty has been losing teeth too. Super fun. Thanks for the good tunes today. Bet those concerts were awesome!
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