We usually go on bike rides on Sunday afternoons, and in the summertime, sometimes we'll go on Monday evenings.
A few times this past summer, we rode bikes down to the Salmon River, a mile from our home. This was the first year we'd tried it, because we finally felt the twins were big enough to safely ride down there since part of the ride is along a highway.
After we arrive at the campground by the river, we get off the bikes, and walk alongside the river and under the Shoup Bridge. We wade in the water and walk on the sand and rocks. And then we get back on the bikes and ride home. It's a nice activity that we all enjoy doing together.
On one of those rides, we encountered a snake on the rocks by the river. Remember my FASCINATION with SNAKES? Well, I was blown away with what we saw: this snake was eating a sucker fish--a big sucker fish!!! I'd read about how snakes can eat animals that are bigger than them, but I'd never witnessed such a thing before. It was SO awesome to see! I was wishing I'd had my camera with me--and then I remembered my cell phone takes pictures. The snake was irritated that I kept trying to get close enough to take a photo, but I'm glad I have some proof of what we saw:

Doesn't Josh like snakes? Cool pictures. My boys will want to go snake hunting next time we visit.
Yes Mike, I HATE snakes! Only good snake, is a dead snake, preferrably with it's head cut off, so I know for sure it is dead!! JOSH
VERY cool Kala!
Kala, you make me smile...and cringe a little with your snake fetish. ;) I would have to say my opinion of snakes coincides with Josh's. That pretty much goes for spiders too.
Very awesome pics Kala. As for snakes, I'm with Josh.
I hate snakes but love the picture of it eating the fish, cool picture!
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