On the evening of May 26 (the very same night of the day when they set the back house-half on the foundation), they moved the front house-half onto the property.
They drove it down from the field above our house where it had been parked. (Once again, I missed all the driving action because I was gone, so Josh took most of these photos)

It drove right past where we had temporarily parked the old house:

Then they drove it carefully through the narrow gate that leads to our driveway:

After passing through the gate, the driver had to make a sharp turn in order to avoid hitting the foundation:

And on the same turn, the driver had to straighten out in time for the back-end of the house to miss hitting the fence or terrace:

Then he pulled as far forward as possible to straighten out the house-half:

Then the driver backed up the house towards the foundation, and had to miss hitting the power pole in the process:

Then he continued to back up down the driveway for a bit:

And finally, he pulled up alongside the foundation:

...to be continued
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