Sunday, July 9, 2023

Dad's BSA Silver Medal

In May of 2023, my dad received the Silver Buffalo National Award: the highest recognition given nationally by the Boy Scouts of America. It is a distinguished award for extraordinary service to youth, and less than 15 are awarded each year. He was recognized at the BSA local council's recognition dinner in SLC on May 6, but he didn't receive the actual award until the National Council's banquet on May 31 in Atlanta, Georgia. My sisters and I all attended one of the awards banquets to support our dad: Tawna, Tabbi, Trina and I went to SLC on May 6 and Lisa went to Atlanta on May 31. 

Our family got a table to ourselves at the banquet in SLC. Mom and Dad went early and got one close to the front for my sisters, Bryce and Finn, and I. We ate a nice catered dinner, and there was a keynote speaker who shared an experience he had with a gentleman from Africa, which was a cool story. Then awards were given to various BSA eagle scouts and leaders. Dad was the last one to receive recognition at the SLC banquet for being a recipient of the Silver Buffalo. He received a standing ovation by the entire audience as his bio was being read, which was really neat to witness. It was a fun evening with my parents and sisters!

Dad with longtime friend Brother Jensen

I wish I'd thought to also get a picture of the standing ovation behind us!

Lisa recorded the Presentation of Dad's Silver Buffalo at the Atlanta, Georgia banquet. You can see it here:   National Award Presentation

Dad's Bio

Dad ran into one of his former students at the Atlanta banquet.

Mom & Dad did some sightseeing while in Georgia,
including going to Fort Moore (prev. Fort Benning)
where my grandpa used to be stationed at
and my dad lived there as a child.

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