Friday, February 11, 2022

Witches Unite, Pumpkins Alight, Halloween Night

October is my favorite month, and Halloween is my favorite holiday! As the boys have gotten older, they're not interested in dressing up anymore, and their trick-or-treating days are in the past, but I still try to celebrate the holiday as much as possible. I was tickled that we celebrated in many ways throughout the month of October!

This year, I got to go to my first "Witches Night" with my Mud Lake friends. Val hosted at her house. We all wore witches' hats, sat around the fire outside, took pictures in the moonlight, ate dinner, talked and laughed, and played "Telestrations After Dark". It was such a fun night!

Selfie in the moonlight

The boys and their friends had a group date at our house of carving jack-o-lanterns and watching a movie. I took photos of all the carved pumpkins and had people vote online for their favorite, and the winning duo was announced at the end of the movie. I loved having the kids at our house, celebrating the holiday in a fun way!

Boaz & Emma

Nathan & Keeley

Micah & Lizzie

Erik & Ele

Jonah & Krissy

Tyler & Janessa

I dressed up for our school's costume parade on the Thursday before Halloween. Since I work at a different school this year, I decided to wear a costume I'd already had because the kids hadn't seen me wear it there before! I dressed up as a minion, and so did a 6th grader! I liked that I wasn't a loner minion! We carved pumpkins as a family on Halloween Night, which was on a Sunday night this year. Interestingly enough, we all unknowingly carved letters into our pumpkins this year, which I thought was so cool!

Mine said "XC" (we had just returned from state XC, and it was
on my mind). Micah's says his name. Josh's was carved "LGB"
for the phrase "Let's Go Brandon". Jonah carved a golf brand:
"Titleist 2". Kanyon carved an "E" for "Eek".

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