Sunday, August 9, 2020

June 2020 - Week 2

SUNDAY - Josh taught the lesson at home church, and I showed a video about Alma the Younger teaching about a change of heart. Then we talked about times we've had a change of heart in our personal lives. I like home church. Amanda and Ryan came out in the afternoon and brought John with them. We talked, ate snacks, and sat social distancing on our new couches. I loved having the room full of adults reclining on the couches--it was very fulfilling for me! I'm so glad I got these couches! Amanda also cut Josh's hair while they were here--he had a mullet cut for a month and he decided it was time to chop it off since it was getting hot and sweaty on his neck. I cried as I watched the curls fall to the floor! I really loved the curls behind his ears! 

BEFORE and AFTER shots

MONDAY - Tiki got her summer haircut from the dog groomer. She always looks so different when she gets it done! While the dog was getting groomed, I went to lunch with Amanda and Josh. We went through Savage Grill's makeshift drive-thru, and ate it at the Veteran's Park. We had a great discussion and I really enjoyed the moment! Amanda and Jen both surprised me and came out to my house that afternoon. We sat in the Triple S for about an hour, and Josh joined us too. It was heavenly, and was my favorite experience with Amanda while she was here! The boys started their Summer Running program--it's on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in June and July, and is so good for the boys to exercise and get together with their friends!

TUESDAY - I drove to Mud Lake and worked for about 6 hours, moving curriculum items from the previous 3rd and 4th grade classrooms into my new classroom (I'm teaching a 3rd/4th split class this year, instead of 2nd grade like I have the past 3 years, and the classroom I'm in now was a 5th grade classroom last year, so I had a lot of stuff to move). I also had to move some things around within my classroom that we'd already moved into the room, in order to comply with the maintenance crew's request for summer cleaning. 
My new room is very similar to my previous room.

Every summer, we have to move all the furniture to one side
of the room, in order for the carpets to be shampooed.
Then the maintenance crew moves all the furniture to the opposite
wall and shampoos where the objects were originally placed.


WEDNESDAY - Josh and I went on a Scenic Flight to the Flying B Ranch in the morning. We've talked about going for years, and finally made it happen this summer! It was my Father's Day gift to Josh. Jen and Dallin Judy joined us as well, which was so fun! We had to wear masks inside the airplane, and couldn't wear the headphone/mic unfortunately due to COVID19, but our pilot David Schroeder would point out stuff and then Jen would relay it to me in the back. Dallin sat up front by the pilot, Jen and Josh were in the middle, and I was in the back. The plane could only fit 6 people--it was super tiny! Neither Josh nor I have ever been on a plane that small before, but surprisingly it was very comfortable--even more comfy than commercial airliners! Josh was a little nervous because he doesn't like heights or flying, but I was the opposite: I just felt SO excited! Thankfully the weather was awesome: clear, blue skies, and it wasn't windy in the morning, either. We flew over north of Salmon, saw Jen's house, Wallace Lake, Beartrack Gold Mine, and the Crags on our way in. The Flying B is on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. We landed on a grass airstrip, and then were taken to the lodge on a trailer pulled by a truck. We had a super yummy breakfast, and then we walked around outside for a bit with the pilot as our guide. We saw the river, the pack bridge, a fire memorial, and continued around the property to see the power source from a creek and around the cabins. It was so fun! On our flight back, we flew south of Salmon and saw more of the Middle Fork, Taylor Mountain, Opal Lake, Williams Lake, and got a view of our house, too! However, the return flight was more hot and was also a bit more turbulent and with the breakfast we'd just eaten, Josh got sick. He nearly threw up (he was prepared with a puke bag just in case), but thankfully, he didn't. It was such an incredible morning! The views were breathtaking and unlike any I've ever seen from the sky before. It was my best flight ever! 

Our house has a light gray roof and our garage has a red roof.
The red roof was easy to spot in the air!

THURSDAY & FRIDAY - I moved stuff into our new camping trailer. We went without a camping trailer for 10 moths, when we sold our other trailer, and I had everything stored in several locations inside the house and the garage, so it took a while to get it all moved to the trailer. Then I made a trip to town to get stuff that we still needed to stock it all up. It was exciting to personalize it to make it feel more like it was ours!

SATURDAY - We went camping for the first time with the new trailer. We took it up to Williams Lake. It's a lot easier to set up than our old trailer, which is nice. It was cold outside, so we played "Goat Lords" in the trailer--it's a new card game I got for Christmas, but we hadn't played it yet. We played 5 rounds of it--it's similar to "Cover Your Assets" but with trick cards. It was pretty fun. The weather finally improved, so we decided to go to the lake. The twins went out on paddle boards and Kanyon took off in the kayak. There was a windstorm that blew in suddenly as they were on the lake, and it took them to the other side. Josh and I were worried about them, and started formulating a rescue plan, but thankfully after 20 minutes, the wind died down and they were able to make it back okay. We packed up our stuff at the dock and headed back to the campsite. We assembled tinfoil dinners together and Josh cooked them and some banana boats over the tabletop grill for dinner. Then we made a campfire and sat around it for a while until it was bedtime. It was a fun camping trip. I'm grateful we have a trailer again!

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