Saturday, July 13, 2013

Father's Day 2013

We are so blessed to have 3 strong men lead & guide our family, and we were happy to celebrate their examples in fatherhood on Father's Day this year.

"What I like about Dad":
Kanyon - that he makes good dinner and he jumps on the trampoline with me
Micah - he takes us camping
Jonah - that he does fun things for us like take us camping
Ammon - he's funny
Kala - he's a good listener, is funny, a hard worker, and an excellent husband & provider

The boys all got him a gift each of a new yard gnome and chocolate that they'd picked out.

"What I like about Grandpa T.":
Kanyon - that he pulls me on the stride in his yard
Micah - that he makes hamburgers on Sundays for us sometimes
Jonah - he builds fun things for us to play on
Ammon - he's a hard worker
Kala - he's generous, a very hard worker, and has fun playing with the boys

The boys made him his favorite cookies (No-Bake), and gave him a spatula that says "#1 Grandpa".

"What I like about Grandpa P.":
Kanyon - he plays chess with me
Micah - he lets us play wii at his house
Jonah - he likes to play chess with me
Ammon - he is nice
Kala - he's devoted, has a great sense of humor, and is responsible with his finances

The boys made him a candybar-gram poster with their Perkins cousins. They all chose their own candybars and sentences to go along with them.

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