Monday, February 27, 2012

red couch

I fell in love with you at first sight at IKEA in 2010.

Then I revisited you in the spring of 2011 and I remembered the love that I previously felt so strongly for you. And seeing my husband sit on you just made the occasion all the better.

So for Christmas of 2011, I decided it was time. Red couch, it was time to bring you home. To my home.

It was quite the haul, and after we picked you up from the store, you had to endure a layover and wait out in the cold for a few days until a delivery man (my friend but a stranger to you) finally brought you to us; to our home. We took off that plastic wrap that suffocated you but kept you safe from exposure, and introduced you to your new room: the Family Room. 

I made some RED words for the wall next to you so that you'd feel like you belonged in the space.

I bought some RED picture frames, and put some red, black, and white castle prints in them to adorn the wall across from where you sit so that you'd feel grander than the presence of being in the kids' play room in which we placed you.

Ahhh, red couch. How I love thee. The two-year wait to bring you home just made your being here all the sweeter. Our home feels complete with you in it.


darcymae said...
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darcymae said...

you...are a nerd. but i'm glad you're a nerd with a couch you love!