For the past 7.5 years, we have lived in approximately 900 sq. ft. of living space, and we are accustomed to living on top of each other. We bought this 40-year-old, single-wide, 2-bedroom, 1-bath mobile home back in October 2002. And for the most part, this house has been good to us. While living here, we brought home three babies from the hospital, we added a bonus room on to the living room, we got new furniture, we purchased new windows and appliances and flooring, we painted and rearranged and remodeled, and we established a home for our growing family of boys. But the time has come to bid this old house farewell.
So, for the next two months, our evenings will be anything but typical! This weekend, we are moving out of the old house to make room for the new house. And until the new house is done, we will be living in our camping trailer in the backyard!
We started this journey 6 months ago, and it's been an emotional roller-coaster ride thus far! But we are truly excited for this big change in our lives and we anticipate the day when we can finally be in our new home! I will be blogging about this whole 'out with the old, in with the new' home process from beginning to end over the next few months. We've been working towards this goal for years, and I don't want to forget a thing!
How exciting! Congratulations, & good luck on the roller coaster that lies ahead.
Congrats! I'm so glad things are working out.
I am so excited for you guys. Finally!!! I can't wait to see your new home.
How exciting for you! It'll be fun for you to share with us the process. And you are an amazing woman making 900 square feet work for a family of 6!
YAY!!!! I'm SO GLAD everything finally worked out so you can build! I'm so so so so so happy for you!!!!!!
HOORAAY!! So happy you are finally getting a new home- awesome!!!
Congrats on getting a new place. Such fun and stressful time. It will be well worth the wait I am sure. Can't wait to see the end results.
So Exciting! Good Luck! What a fun Camping Experience! I bet your boys will be in heaven!
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