1. What is something your dad always says to you?
A: Feed your pigs.
J: He loves me.
M: Go to your bed.
2. What makes your dad happy?
A: When we do something nice for him.
J: When we buy him a gnome.
M: When I help him change pipe.
3. What makes your dad sad?
A: When somebody in his family dies.
J: When we fight.
M: When I don't listen to him.
4. How does your dad make you laugh?
A: By telling jokes and being funny.
J: When he takes me to the candy store.
M: He tickles me.
5. How old is your dad?
A: 32
J: I don't know...15
M: I don't know...14
6. What was your dad like as a child?
A: He was a very hard working farm kid.
J: He changed pipe.
M: I don't know.
7. What is his favorite thing to watch on TV?
A: sports
J: football, basketball, golf
M: basketball and football
8. Who is his best friend?
A: Ryan
J: Grandpa
M: Jason and mom
9: Where is his favorite place to go?
A: Golfing probably.
J: Go camping.
M: To meetings.
10. What is his favorite food?
A: cheesecake
J: gatorade
M: chili
11. What does your mom like about your dad?
A: That he sleeps in bed with you, and not in a different bed.
J: When he takes you on a 4-wheeler ride
M: He gives you hugs and he kisses you.
12. What does he do when you're not around?
A: probably work
J: work
M: change pipe
13. What is your dad really good at?
A: golfing
J: changing pipe
M: fixing stuff
14. What is he not very good at?
A: I don't know.
J: He doesn't pick up his newspapers.
M: When he rakes hay in the dark, he could get bitten by mosquitos.
15. What does your dad do for work?
A: He works at the golf course as the greenkeeper.
J: He works at the golf course.
M: He mows grass at the golf course and swaths hay, rakes hay, moves hay bales.
16. What makes you proud of your dad?
A: That he does a lot of hard work for us.
J: He takes us camping.
M: He takes me on 4-wheeler and motorcycle rides.
17. What do you and your dad do together?
A: We golf together.
J: He takes me to the movie theater and on 4-wheeler rides.
M: We change pipe.
18. How are you and your dad the same?
A: The color of our eyes.
J: We both go to the golf course.
M: I don't know.
19. How are you and your dad different?
A: He has a job, I don't.
J: He's bigger and I'm smaller.
M: He's bigger and I'm littler.
20. How do you know your dad loves you?
A: Because he does a lot of work for us.
J: Because he takes me to the theater.
M: Because he takes me on a date with him.
As gifts, the boys got him a new garden gnome to add to his collection in the yard, 2 new BBQ sticks for camping, and a few new Dean Koontz books. Happy Father's Day Josh! We love you! The boys think you're a #1 Dad! I appreciate you so much for the wonderful father you are to them, for your ability to take care of our family, and for the pillar of strength you are to all of us!

what a responsible guy...whose favorite place to go is to meetings! and how nice of him to sleep in the same bed as you!! i love it!
From the mouths of babes! How fun. I have so enjoyed reading your blog lately. I find myself wishing we were tagging along on all of your adventures!
This made me laugh, it's so cute what kids will say. I love you guys!
What an adorable idea to interview the boys, Kala! This is the best fathers day blog I've ever seen.
That's A LOT of pipe laying haha ;o) He must have done that recently...or do they do that a lot there? I don't know much about pipe laying so I don't know ;o). I loved the answers! Sleep in the same bed haha! Cute!
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