Years later, Josh and I received that game as a Christmas gift the first year we were married. I was so excited! I am a competitive person and love to win. Unfortunately, my marriage to Josh has been bad for my competitive complex. You see, he almost always beats me at Scrabble and Monopoly and Scattergories (just to name a few). I'm not quite as in love with the game anymore because of him!!! He always finishes his list of items before the timer is done, and shuts it off mid-game, which prevents me from completing my list! But, I've thought of a new contest that would be fun, and I'm not allowing Josh or Ammon to compete this time, which means YOU have a chance to win! next contest: Media Scattergories! 

I randomly rolled the letter dice from the game, and I want you to tell me one of three things that starts with the letter "R ": 1. The name of a book you've read, 2. The name of a movie you've seen, OR 3. The name of a song you've heard.
The same rules as last time apply: Please only one guess per comment, and only up to 3 comments per person!
I'll have Ammon pick a random number on Monday night, so if your comment was that number, you win! After that, I'll announce the winner and their SurPRIZE ! GOOD LUCK!
Revolutionary Road
1. Don't know
2. Reel You In- Nancy Hanson
3. Runaway Bride
1. Red Ridding Hood
2. Richie Rich
3. Redeemer
Roger Rabbit
1. Robinson Crusoe
2. Ratatouille
3. Right Now
Ha ha! I didn't follow the rules. I posted all three in one comment. Oops!
Here's another book:
Ramona Quimby, Age 8
1. Run, Fatboy, Run
Sorry!! The last one I posted is a movie... so it was #2.
3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy
Rainy Monday by Shiny Toy Guns (a fantastic song!) See? I do semi-partially participate!
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
(I figured "the" didn't count)
Rockin' Robin
Race to Witch Mountain (the old version)
Rockstar by Nickleback
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