There were two readers (one teenager and one adult) in each of four designated classrooms, and the kids were divided up among the rooms. This is the first year that the city library co-sponsored the event. The librarian Tammy chose the books for the guest readers, and there were some fun Dr. Seuss books read! She also explained to the children and parents about a grant she wrote, where the children could help earn $300 in free books for the school library and the city library, just by reading books at home and recording the books that were read. This also promotes our goal of family literacy!

For dinner, I made creamy potato soup with sausage and corn and a cheesy broccoli soup with chicken and onions. Last year we served tacos, but it was SO expensive! I also baked 250 croissant rolls to have with the soup. I made ALL of the soup and baked ALL of the rolls, can you believe it? That was the first time I'd actually cooked for 200 people all by myself! I was very impressed (and stressed!!!). For dessert, I had people bring white cupcakes with white frosting and we decorated them with blue frosting dots and red sprinkles. 

Every themed basket started with a letter of the alphabet, for example "C is for Chocolate". I even made cute coordinating tags to put on each of the baskets. This year, I assigned a basket theme to TWO classes each. Last year each class had their own theme, and some classes didn't have enough donations brought in to fill their basket, so the PTO bought filler items, which was another unnecessary expense. The baskets were definitely full this year! The City Library also donated several baskets, which was awesome!
100% of the proceeds from the baskets is returned to the teacher's classrooms. My husband is an ebay fan, and just loves the silent auction! This is our third year of purchasing a basket! This year, Josh ended up with two! We won "A is for Afternoon Snacks" and "F is for Fathers". I really love this event! I think it is so much fun and promotes a great cause!

Way to go Kala! Soup for 200?! I bet it was yummy. What a relief to be done...
That is so much fun! You are amazing!! Plus, I ADORE Dr. Seuss!!
WOW!! what a lot of hard work! youre awesome!!
That's pretty fancy. I luff the picture of the boys on the boat at Fish Lake. Those were some good times! So is Ammon coming with us this summer? Tell him he'd better be prepared for an Awesome Possum time with his Favorite Aunt! (It's going to be so fantastic that those words deserved to be capitalized.)
Your every schools dream mom. How awesome are you?
I hope Salmon know how lucky they are to have you!! :) You are awesome.. Where do these Ideas come from?? I need some...
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