Friday, May 22, 2009


I began this blog in May 2008. I have written stories and posted photos for a year now! And remarkably, this is my 100th post! There are two reasons that I started blogging, and two reasons that I continue blogging. So...I'm excited to announce another contest: If you can guess the four reasons for my blogging, then you have the chance to win 100 Grand candy bars for every person in your family! The contest starts today, Friday May 22, and will end Tuesday May 26. Good Luck!!! (oh, and a little helpful hint: the first two reasons kind of start with the letter "F" and the last two reasons begin with the letter "R".)


Sunshine Designed said...

Yeah for one hundred! I enjoy reading what you and your family are up to. Helps to feel connected. Keep them coming. Lets see if you can reach another digit!

1) Family and future posterity
2) Record keeping and relaxation

I'm sure these are not it, but worth a try for a candybar- Yummy!

I'm loving your contests!

Candise said...

100 posts...good for you! This contest is a little easier than your last one; I'm in!

My guesses:

1. Family
2. Friends
3. Relaxation
4. Remembering

Miss Heather said...


Fit-in (because everyone is blogging these days!! Hee hee!! That's one reason I started!!)

Receive (meaning you like to receive comments... hee hee!)

I know mine are wrong, I just wanted to come up with my own guesses. :)

Tawna said...

You started it for doing something fun (doing something new), and for keeping people (family) informed of what your family is doing. You continue to do it as a journal, and because it's a way for you to have alone time, relaxing kind of thing. Okay, there are my guesses

Salmon Tolman Family said...

This is from Ammon:
for fun and family information relaxation and to remember. I hope I win a candy bar, but I bet mine are wrong.