Wednesday, December 5, 2012

di-nah-guh-gle boys

Tonight, Ammon & Kanyon played a game. It was a game they made up, and it doesn't have a name.

Here's how you play it: One brother covers his face with a shirt. The other brother calls out directions for the first brother to walk around the room. The directions that the second brother give make the first brother walk purposefully into objects or furniture. Then after the first brother crashes into the object or furniture, the two boys laugh hysterically, and trade turns.

They played it for quite a while, and as Kanyon called out orders he would say: "Go right. Go left. No, I said LEFT! Go backwards a teeny tiny bit. Go right. Go right. Go right. Go di-nah-guh-gle (diagonal)."

It was hilarious to watch. It was funny to listen to my 5-year-old Kanyon bark orders, and for my 12-year-old Ammon to willingly obey and crash all over the place. It was hysterical to listen to them giggle and laugh at such a simple game. I loved observing their game and their interactions as brothers!

1 comment:

darcymae said...

Very handsome! Those two are little twinners. Just separated by a few years.