Saturday, June 18, 2022

March 2022 Randoms

We burned the burn pile at the beginning of March. The burn pile was getting so large, and we realized we didn't burn it last year! Its new location is so good: even for as large as the pile got, it wasn't really in the way. It was the perfect day to burn it: Josh and I were both home all day, the weather was nice and cool and without a breeze, and the fire continued to burn really well through the night. By the next day, it was just a pile of ashes--shaped like a heart, even! 

When Josh first lit the fire, it went up so fast 
that it scorched his hair!

Josh and I taught a fun lesson at church in March. We teach the 14 & 15 year old class this year and the topic is the Old Testament. That particular Sunday, we discussed Genesis 28:10-22 about the dream Jacob saw with a ladder. It was the most objects I've brought for a church lesson yet this year: a ladder, paper, tape, marker, chalk, soft pillows and large flat rocks (that some of the students tried laying on!). This is our 4th year teaching Sunday School together to the youth. It's both challenging and rewarding, and for the most part, Josh and I really like it and we work good as a teaching team. 

March's weather was unbelievable. It was so warm! We had a yard clean up day on a Saturday mid-month. Josh and I trimmed the cherry tree (Josh and Kanyon trimmed the apple trees a few weeks later), Kanyon picked up all the wood scraps from where we chop wood, and we worked cleaning up around the yard and garage. It felt so productive, and I welcomed working outdoors after being inside all winter. 

Josh had one afternoon off from driving school bus, and he chose to go hiking to take advantage of the nice weather and his time off. He went up to explore Lime Creek. He hiked up the hill, but then he got a call from Ammon's mechanic who was fixing his car and talked to him for so long, that couldn't further his hike like he wanted, so after he got off the phone, he walked back to his car. He liked the view of Elk Bend and the river from where he got to, though, and was grateful he finally got to go explore an area he'd been curious about. 

March 14, AKA Pi Day, Leadore school celebrated with a pie-making, pie-eating contest and students got to throw pies at the principal and superintendent. It was so much fun!

Josh and I took the first motorbike ride of the season on March 22. March's weather really felt like May or June's weather!

Our family filled out March Madness brackets and competed for fun against each other once again. There were a lot of surprises throughout the tournament, and we didn't do as good as years past. This year, Jonah came out as our winner!

When the twins and I were in New York for the music trip (more info on the next post), Josh took the opportunity to take a solo motorcycle ride up Ten Mile. He figured out a way to cut across the mountain and come out Sunset Heights. While on the ride, he hiked up to a rocky point on a ledge to overlook the river. He was so glad for the fun ride and the pleasant weather. 

That's the City of Salmon in the distance.

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