Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tolman Top 40 Hits 2020

2020 was such a bizarre year!!! With the onslaught of COVID-19, our world was totally changed overnight, and the aftermath of its effects will haunt us for years, I'm sure. There was some good things about this year, though--like having all 6 of us at home this spring (since in-person school was cancelled for all 4 boys), and spending all the holidays throughout the year stress-free at home, and getting a lot of projects done outside around our home, and having church at home. Basically...we did stuff at home! Which isn't always bad--we were very grateful for our home and the respite it gave us from the chaos in the world this year.

I was going to add a family photo to this post, but I just realized I didn't take a single family photo this weird! I have some photos with all of us except Ammon, and a lot that I took of everyone else but I'm not included in them...I can't believe for as much time as we all spent home, that I didn't ever think to have an impromptu photo session! My brain was really not with it for most of the year!! Ugh! Oh well...this is the last family photo we took before COVID hit, at the twins' high school production of Beauty and the Beast during the second week of March (before our lives drastically changed!): 

Anyway, I asked everyone in the family for their favorite memories of this past year, because I like to reflect at the end of each year what we were able to accomplish and add the items to our annual list of our Top 40 Things. And even though our year was plagued with the pandemic, everyone was able to contribute to the list with some of their favorite things that happened, which is a good thing! 

Tolman Top 40 Hits of 2020
(in chronological order)
1. Kala seeing Seussical at Hale Theater with Amanda
2. Micah running at Simplot Games and getting a P.R. of 4:53
3. Kala seeing a Broadway play before theaters closed
4. Micah & Jonah participating in the Beauty and the Beast play
5. Installing a frisbee golf course around our home
6. Buying and playing corn hole all spring
7. Ammon's formal dance at the CDA Casino
8. Celebrating Easter at home
9. Josh loved having just one job all spring
10. Jonah golfing after work with Wyatt
11. Josh & Kala Jeep camping for Mother's Day
12. Josh & Kala's flight to the Flying B Ranch
13. Josh & Kala riding the motorcycle to Riggins and back
14. Buying a new camp trailer
15. Jonah dirt biking up to UP Lake with Tyler and Nathan
16. Josh & Kala Jeeping date with Phil & Darcy
17. Buying a hot tub
18. Josh & Kala sleeping under the stars at Horse Creek
19. Tabbi's visit over July 4th
20. Kanyon staying with the Entrikin's for a few days 
21. Tubing down the Salmon River with the Judy family
22. Josh & Kala visiting Ammon at his summer job in Victor
23. Josh & Kala riding the motorbike through Grand Teton Nat'l Park
24. Soaking in our new hot tub with Amanda & the Judys
25. Family camping trip & dirt biking in Pahsimeroi
26. Family Vacation to Zion Nat'l Park
27. Kala performing in the Mud Lake Fair Parade
28. Ammon passing his PAT at Sand Creek course in I.F.
29. Jonah & Micah's friend hiking trip to Copperhead Peak
30. Ammon camping with friends in the Coeur d'Alene area
31. Josh & Kala camping at Meadow Lake
32. Josh motorbiking with friends Matt & Greg
33. Ammon hiking Moscow Mountain with friends
34. Micah individually medaling at District XC 
35. Jonah playing in the pep band at football games
36. Micah medaling with a new P.R. of 16:32 at State XC
37. Going to Fairmont Hot Springs at Thanksgiving
38. Kala looking at Christmas lights with Grandma
39. Christmas Eve party with friends
40. Josh & Kala's trip to Quinn's Hot Springs over Christmas Break

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