Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Final 2-year Wish List

When we moved into this house in 2010, we couldn't afford all the big furniture purchases or larger expenses that we wanted at the time, so we created a 2-year wish list. I posted the list on the fridge as a reminder of our hopes and dreams, and crossed off the items as they were purchased/completed. Since 2010, every other year in the fall, I revisit that list and update it with new items. Here's our previous lists, just for reference:

It's now been 10 years since we've moved into this house, and our financial situation is much better than it was back then. Josh and I now discuss annually what our plans are for each year; we decide what we want to purchase and where we want to go and the projects we want to complete within the year. We create goals that are affordable and attainable for the year, so we don't feel like we need a 2-year wish list anymore to keep us on track. Therefore, the 2-year list we created in 2018 is our last one. 

We were able to accomplish the majority of the list, but once again, we didn't complete them all. However, I still feel like we were successful in our efforts!

2-Year Wish List as of Fall 2018

1. Install gutter on garage

2. in garage (we have plans to complete this item this summer)

3. Buy a new truck (purchased March 2019)

4. Couple's Vacation to Mexico (completed AS A FAMILY Nov. 2019)

5. Go Hot Air Ballooning (completed Sept. 2019)

6. Pay off Josh's credit cards (completed July 2020)

7. Pay off Kala's credit card (completed February 2020)

8. Get a new wood stove

9. Get a new upright freezer

10. Get an enclosed trailer for the streetbike (purchased June 2020)

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