Bear with me...this is a HUGE post! It's like 20 posts in one! There's a picture overload and lots of words and I'm sorry if it feels overwhelming to get through-- I've been trying to get caught up on this blog and posting it all together is the easiest and quickest way for me to accomplish that feat!
Christmas Tree Lane
The students at Terreton Elementary performed at the Mud Lake Museum's Christmas Tree Lane event (a small version of Festival of Trees) on December 5. I directed the 2nd grade program. They sang 3 songs, one group performed a Reader's Theater, and some kids told jokes. I performed "Jingle Bells" on my ukulele (crossing off another item on my 40 Things list) while the girls sang and played bells. All the students sang "Must Be Santa" (with actions) and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with one verse in Spanish. Our program lasted about 15 minutes, and then a local patron told the children a winter story from his family history that are from the area. The students did such a great job and I was so proud of them! We'd started practicing learning the songs a few weeks before the event, and we performed it for the 3rd grade before we went to the Museum. We had a lot of parents come to watch, and my friend and retired teaching partner Val came too! I thrive on times like these: performing and directing performances fills my soul with such joy! I was on a natural high afterwards!

One of my students made the button ornaments on this tree!
I loved the genius ways to use buttons!
I thought this tree made from antique saws was clever! |
The students had a scavenger hunt after their performance
to find items on the trees and the gingerbread house displays.
Ward Christmas Party
The Terreton Ward Christmas party was the evening of December 5. I believe it was the same night at Salmon's, but Kanyon and I stayed in Mud Lake rather than going home. Before the party began, Kanyon surprised me and sat on Santa's lap--because he remembered from last year that the reward for doing so was a big candy bar, and he really wanted one! Regardless of the reason, I loved that he did it! Santa surprised me and told me to sit on his lap, too! You're never too old, right?! However, when I sat on his lap, he grunted, and I think I was a bit much more than he was prepared for!!! Haha! The Terreton ward served prime rib and potatoes au gratin and pie for dinner. It was so delicious! Kanyon sat by his friend Ryker and I sat by Tiffany Reeder and the Haroldsen's. I had an enjoyable conversation with them during dinner--we laughed all night about how the cool whip somehow got on all of us at different times and on different body parts! So funny! Their primary performed for the program, and it was a magical moment! I'm so glad we were able to go! I definitely felt the Christmas spirit!

I put up my tiny artificial Christmas tree in my Mud Lake
rental the first week of December. I enjoyed looking at the
twinkling lights every night!
Micah's Eagle Court of Honor
Micah finished his Eagle project in May. He and his friends cleared paths, put down more gravel on the walkways to level and widen them, and weed-eated overgrowth at the Salmon Outdoor School location. Sadly, I didn't get a single photo of the event. I had my camera with me, and I took lots of pictures--but I didn't realize at the time that there wasn't an SD card in the camera, so it didn't save anything I took. He finished all the paperwork over the summer, and was just waiting for some of his friends to finish their projects/paperwork so he could do his Court of Honor with them. His Court of Honor was on Saturday, December 7 with friends from his XC team: Johnny Simmons, Anthony Barton, and Riley Sommers (who are all in the River Ward) at the church. My parents came to visit overnight to attend it, which was nice. They haven't been to my house since Ammon graduated high school a year and a half ago. I worked all day making pies and cleaning the house. By the time my parents arrived at 3, all the cooking and cleaning were done. We had a nice visit with them talking, watching TV, and my mom played ping pong with us, too. We headed to the church at 5:30, put together Micah's display table, and helped get the Primary room ready for dinner. We ate tacos at 6:00, and then the court of honor started at 7. We were a little surprised that it was all in the primary room rather than taking advantage of the gym and chapel--there was a LOT of people squeezed into the tight space! The dinner and ceremony were nice, despite some of the chaos and disorganization. Anthony had put together a musical slide show of all the boys' pictures, which was nice. My dad spoke about the road to becoming an Eagle and the candidates talked about their projects and awards were given. Micah gave his mentor pin to Grandpa P, which was a pleasant surprise for him! The final speaker was Dean Sommers, who spoke about potential, capacity, strengths, and weaknesses. His comment about our weaknesses really stuck with me; we all have strengths and weaknesses, but it's our weaknesses and how we choose to handle them that define us. They can become our strengths if we recognize them and work on them and grow from them. It was a really heartfelt talk. Micah gave the grandparents pin to all 4 of his grandparents after the ceremony. We are so proud of him, and all the good choices he makes and for his strength of character. He's an amazing person! He worked hard for this Eagle, and I was glad for everyone who came to support him. After we got back home, we sat around talking to my parents for a couple of hours. We were grateful they came! It was a really nice day!

Trying to be Festive
After church on December 8, I tried to get in the Christmas spirit--it felt different this year for me, and all month long I only felt glimpses of it rather than experiencing it all the time, which was sad. I put together some neighbor gifts: I packaged up a bottle of homemade applesauce with a homemade raspberry jam (both of which I made this summer) and added a card with the message "Blessed be the Fruit" (if you've seen Handmaid's Tale, you've heard the phrase!!). The twins delivered the first half to the neighbors around the loop while Josh and I took a nap on the brown sofa (one of our favorite Sunday activities!). I put up lights on the glass bottle trees outside in the front (a new idea I just thought of a few days prior), and put the new light projector in the backyard to reflect on the backside of the house. I liked the look of both! For the rest of the month, every time I drove up to the house, I was so happy to be greeted by the lighted glass bottle trees! I also put up some decorations inside the house to make it feel more festive: the card display, wreaths, stockings, and a couple nativities. We also watched the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional that night, which was both inspirational and uplifting.

You can see some of the Christmas decorations I put up. We've had this
sectional couch for 4 years; we sold it in December to make room for
the new leather reclining couches that I purchased.
Music Concert
Jonah and Micah's Christmas Concert was on December 11. Jonah and Micah both looked so handsome all dressed up! The concert was in the commons area, with staggered times for the different groups performing to make room for everyone in attendance. When Jonah's advanced band group performed, I was in awe of the entire row of 10 trumpeters. I've never seen such a big trumpet section before in the high school band here! I'm so glad Jonah stayed in band this year--he contemplated switching to a different elective but decided to stay. I loved watching him play and am so proud of him! The Legacy Choir did a good job with the variety of numbers that they performed, too. On the last song, a small group sang one verse of "Silent Night" in German, as taught to them by the foreign exchange student and they were accompanied by Garrett Godfrey on the guitar. It was tender. I am so proud of Micah! He did a wonderful job, and I'm so glad to have a child be in the choir for the first time ever! I'm grateful to have children who participate in music, and that we have such an excellent music teacher, Mr. Anderson, who devotes so much to the education of the music students!

School Staff Christmas Party
I'm on the social committee at Terreton Elementary. Our staff Christmas party was at the end of school for our early-release activity on Friday December 13. We did the party in Shelby's classroom, which was a tight fit, but it was a good space for it. We so many staff members come--the most we've ever had since I started working here, which was awesome! There was plenty of food; everyone brought snacks to share. After a half hour of eating and conversing, I started the entertainment portion: a Kahoot Christmas Trivia game that I'd been working on all week. I typed up random Christmas trivia questions, and alternated them with unique memories of staff members from past Christmases (I'd asked them to submit memories in advance) and everyone had to guess who said what. I tricked a lot of people and laughed SO Hard when I "got" them on a few questions. Jeff's and Shane's memories were listed with JUST their name as the answer choices, but with four different spellings: they both picked the wrong one on themselves, which I found hilarious!! The game lasted about 40 minutes. I'd really stressed over it all week, but it turned out so well, and everyone had so much fun! We had a gift card exchange, and people got to pick the cards in the order of how many points they'd received during the game. That same night was the monthly get together with my domino's ladies group. We met at Val's house, talked, ate dinner, and played. I even won a few rounds, and came home with more money than I'd left with! Being around my friends was very good for my soul! I love being around these ladies!

New Couches & Other Christmas Purchases
We drove to Missoula on Saturday December 14 to go pick up the couches I'd ordered a few weeks earlier on our way home from Ammon's Parents' Weekend. We took the truck and trailer, and Jonah and Micah came with us too so we could take them shopping for a few Christmas gifts we couldn't gotten yet. Josh was a bit stressed due to the snowy roads and the lack of sleep he'd gotten the night before from getting home so late after driving a basketball bus to South Fremont, but he was a trooper and we made it through the day with only one small argument! We went ski boot shopping for the twins in Hamilton on the way. They didn't have any that we could afford, but we did figure out what size they were. Josh ended up buying a pair online for Jonah. I found some on marketplace that were used, and we met up with a lady in Missoula for Micah to try them on--thankfully they fit, and we purchased them as well. We then shopped for Jonah's dress shoes, and curtains for Micah's room. We picked up the couches from Ashley Furniture, which took longer than we thought and was a process, but thankfully they fit nicely in our enclosed trailer. We drove home to Salmon and unloaded the heavy couches, unpacked them, and assembled them. They fit in the space and look great in their new home! I love the new look of the room and how comfortable the couches are! I look forward to spending a lot of time on them!

Both couches are identical. Every seat has a power recliner and power headrest.
The seats are wide--essentially 2 people can fit on each cushion, which means
4 people can sit on the couch snugly! They are taller and wider and more firm
than our previous couches, which makes them so comfortable to sit in!
Celebrating the Savior on the Sabbath
Josh and I have taught the 16 year old Sunday School class all year. We've really enjoyed teaching this particular group (which included the twins). We taught our last lesson to them on December 15, because they advanced to the older class in January. We learned about the New Testament this year; I've really enjoyed learning more about and discussing the Savior and his life on the earth and the example he set for us in word and deed. My gift to them after our last lesson was a Milky Way candy bar with a label over the word "Milky" that said "Jesus is the way" and referenced John 14:6. I came up with it on my own and thought it was pretty genius, if I do say so myself! ;) Josh and the twins helped me deliver the second half of our neighbor gifts that same afternoon to the people that live in town. We stopped at the Hobbs' house and played card games with them, until it was time to go to the Christmas Cantata. My friend Darcy performs in the group, so we like to go support her. Josh and I have gone to it the past 3 years, but it was the first year the twins came with us to it. The message was wonderful, and I enjoyed praising the Savior through music and song. Darcy's solo was outstanding! She did a fantastic job and I was so proud of her! It was a nice way to spend the Sabbath evening.

School Christmas Activities
Jonah and Micah participated in the Who-ville Walkathon in Salmon on December 16. Santa visited my classroom at school on December 17. My students completed the Polar Express challenge by wearing pajamas, drinking hot cocoa, and watching the movie in my classroom on December 18. The elementary music program was on December 19--I participated in the last sing-along song "Feliz Navidad".
It was also Christmas Hat dress-up day at school. |
Show Time!
Kanyon and I saw the premiere of the newest Star Wars film: The Rise of Skywalker on its opening night on Thursday, December 19 at the theater in Idaho Falls. I'd ordered tickets for it a month in advance. I love watching movies on its opening night--especially one that's as hyped up as Star Wars! The theater was packed, and after the movie, the audience applauded! I loved the film! I cried a few times, laughed, experienced tender moments as well as anxious times during some scenes. It was a good ending, in my opinion, to the Star Wars series. The following evening, December 20, Josh and I watched The Piano Guys in concert in SLC. I left school early on Friday (I had a sub and parent volunteers do my class Christmas party since it was our last day of school before Christmas Break), and we drove to Providence to drop off the boys at my parents' home before heading to SLC. I've listened to the Piano Guys many nights since living alone in Mud Lake--their soothing music helps lull my lonely, active, anxious mind to sleep. I've been wanting to watch them in concert for several years now, and finally made it happen! They put on a spectacular show! I liked the banter between the two performers, and the special guests who appeared for several of the songs on the set list, too, including Jon Schmitt's dad who accompanied a song on his harmonica! I enjoyed the concert, and Josh thought it was better than he'd expected it to be. It was the easiest concert we've ever gone to regarding getting into and out of, and the traffic was not bad, which also helped Josh's mood concerning the whole experience as well (he hates Utah traffic!). My parents took the boys out to dinner in our absence to the Black Bear Diner, and paid for them to see a movie too, which was nice! I felt bad that Kanyon had to miss his school Christmas dance since we left early, so I was grateful that he got to do something fun that night.

First Family Temple Excursion
Josh and I took the boys to the Logan temple on the morning after the concert. It was the first time we'd taken Kanyon. It was so wonderful! Jonah baptized Kanyon and Micah, then Micah baptized Jonah. I got to be a witness with Josh, which was my first time since they changed the policy in October, and then Josh confirmed the boys. I loved being in the temple with my family! It was a peaceful way to start the day, and I'm glad we went!
Before we went inside |
Such handsome men! |
After we served |
Perkins Family Get-Together
My family got together at my mom's house on the evening of Saturday, December 21 for a pre-Christmas celebration. We hadn't gotten together since Easter. My siblings all came (except Lisa and her family who live in Virginia). We were sad that Ammon was unable to come with us to the family function; he'd had a college class final the previous morning (the day that we left home) and couldn't make it in time. We missed him! We had a nice meal of ham and turkey, potatoes and corn, salads and desserts. We ate, talked, laughed, and had a lovely time! Afterwards, we watched old home movies for a few hours before everyone else started leaving. It was overall a very relaxing evening, which doesn't always happen when the Perkins family gets together!
Fynn played the slide whistle and harmonica for us! |
Brendan & Fynn kept playing with the nativity narrative
toy that my mom brought out for them.
My mom was working on a 1,000 piece puzzle of a
drawing of SLC. I intermittently worked on it, as well
as my boys. It got completed the day after we left!
Bryce loves to make faces for the camera and photobomb any picture! |
Josh has become the official ham cooker of the fam! |
We were all enamored with Fynn's cute antics! |
I like how my mom arranged the space so that the kids dined next to the adults! |
Tabbi gave this gift to Dad this year!
He loves the film; we watched it religiously
every Christmas after it came out.
Christmas Tree Hunting
We FINALLY went to go get our Christmas tree on December 23. We've never gotten a tree so late as we did this year! The timing was just never right or we didn't feel up to it. Thankfully, since Ammon was home on Christmas Break, he was able to join us on the traditional outing. Sadly, though, Kanyon stayed home because he was sick. We'd taken him to the doctor that morning, and he was tested for influenza and strep, both which came back negative, but he didn't feel well enough to join us. We had to borrow Josh's dad's truck since Josh's truck was getting worked on. We drove up above Williams Lake and picked out a nice, small pine tree. It was a rather quick and easy adventure, and I'm glad that Josh didn't let me back out of our annual tradition by buying one from Ace in town like I kept saying I wanted to do. I made hot cocoa for everyone when we got home and Josh helped me decorate the tree since no one else wanted to (probably because the boys started moving furniture as soon as we got home to make room for the tree and I wasn't ready for that step and reacted harshly). It was the quickest decorating job ever! I haphazardly hung three strings of multi-colored lights on it and then together we hung up just one box of random red ornaments. I liked the simple look of it! It finally started to feel like Christmas!

Gingerbread Graham Cracker Houses
We also finally got around to making graham cracker house on Christmas Eve morning. Some years we do gingerbread--some years we don't! Ammon opted to not make one and laid on the couch instead--which is where he slept some of the nights during his college break. He also slept in Micah's room for a few nights, and after complaining about the quality of the new couch (he said the old couch was more comfortable for sleeping), we gave him a foam mattress on the living room floor where he slept the remainder of the time. The houses turned out cute--they add such a creative touch to the Christmas decorations in the house, and I like looking at them!
Kala's house |
Kanyon's creation |
Josh's masterpiece |
Micah's design |
Jonah's house |
Christmas Eve Day
After we made graham cracker houses, I spent a LOT of time in the kitchen either making food for the Linger's Christmas Eve party or working on Christmas Dinner preparations or cleaning up after the food I'd made! I was starting to get really sick of it, and I went and laid down because I felt awful--turns out, I was coming down with what Kanyon had had. I took a 2-hour nap. When I finally crawled out of bed, Josh helped me with the wrapping of the gifts. He laid everything out on our bed, and we determined how many boxes they would each open and how many would go in each box. I hadn't even thought about buying wrapping paper--we ran out of our supply and had to get creative at the end! We watched "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation" as a family late that afternoon, and we got visited by so many people making their rounds for neighbor gifts. It started snowing outside--which is EXACTLY what you always hope for at Christmas time! The snowfall was so beautiful, and I was glad to be sitting on our new couches inside, enjoying the movie, seeing friends stop by, and watching the wintery view out the window.

Christmas Eve
This is the last year the Linger's hosted the Christmas Eve party because they're selling their current home to build another one in a different area outside of town. Hailey said they've hosted our friends party for 10 years now! As usual, the food was plentiful and exquisite. We sat around eating and talking until after 9 when we finally started the games; the kids play downstairs and the adults play upstairs. It's always guys vs. gals when we break up into teams, and the guys always boast about winning. Unforutnatley, it wasn't any different this year: they boasted, and they won. We played Catch Phrase twice, and the men won both times. Then we played a new game called Code Names and the guys won that too! I'd never played it before, but I really liked it! By the time we were done playing, it was after midnight! I think we stayed later this year than we ever have! It snowed about 3 inches altogether--it was so magical driving home in the freshly fallen blanket of snow!
Ladies eating and visiting |
Guys catching up |
Playing Catch Phrase |
Playing Code Names |
Christmas Day
Since we'd all gotten in so late the night before, we slept in a bit. Josh got up to go feed calves for his dad since they were out of town visiting Gideon & Alyssa. We got up after 8! There was no "Santa" gifts this year, which was a first. Each boy only had 3 gifts to open from us, so we opted to not have anything unwrapped from Jolly Old St. Nick. As they age, the gifts are getting more practical, less fun, and more pricey which has changed our gift-giving procedures. We opened stockings first, then took turns opening everything under the tree, and were done by 9am, which is also a first! That's definitely a speed record! Ammon's main gifts were a new loft bed for his new frat house room now that he's VP, and a set of snow tires. Jonah's big gifts was new ski boots and dress shoes. Micah's main gifts were used ski boots and stuff to re-do his room. Kanyon's gifts were a Nintendo 3DS and a Settlers of Catan extension pack. Josh and I filled each other's stockings with scratch cards and chocolates. The twins gave me a cute mug and they gave Josh some Mtn. Dew socks, and Ammon gave us chocolates and scratch tickets too, which was so thoughtful of them! It was a really relaxing Christmas morning and I loved it! For breakfast, Josh made the highly-requested French Toast and I made fruit smoothies (which was yet another first for Christmas morning--usually we have eggnog). We watched Elf and a Star Wars film as part of our ongoing daily marathon, went sledding on the new snow on the hill by our house, took obligatory pictures with the new gifts, and I started a new 1,000 piece puzzle that I'd gotten at the Hot Air Balloon Museum last Christmas Break. Josh and I worked together on dinner that evening. He made the turkey, I made mashed potatoes and gravy, cream corn, rolls, and stuffing. I also made chocolate eclair for dessert, but we were all so full from dinner that we didn't even have room for dessert! It was a very laid-back Christmas at home and I enjoyed it immensely!

I told my dad I'd be happy with toilet paper as a
Christmas that's what he got us! ;)
The boys helped Josh and I scratch off our tickets. We didn't win big this year... |
Star Wars Movie Marathon
We had a Star Wars movie marathon the day after Christmas, in order to fulfill one of my 40 Things list items. We started at 8am and watched Episodes IV, V, VI (my favorite one!), and then moved on to the newer, more recent Episodes VII and VIII. We'd watched Episodes I, II, and III on the days leading up to Christmas because I knew we couldn't watch all 9 in one day. We ended the marathon by going to see the newest one, Episode IX "Rise of Skywalker" as a family at the Salmon movie theater. Even though Kanyon and I and Micah had already seen it, Jonah, Josh, and Ammon hadn't. I liked watching it a 2nd time because I noticed more details. I loved spending the day together with my family! This is the 3rd time over the years that our family has had a Star Wars movie marathon over Christmas Break, but it's the first time we watched so many of them in one day. The new couches definitely came in handy for it!!
December 27
I started getting Micah's room ready for the make-over by prepping it to be painted. Josh helped me take down all the wall shelves, I scrubbed the wall, and put up painter's tape. I originally was going to re-do his whole room on the 27th because I thought he would be gone skiing all day, but his plans changed, so mine did too. Josh took me to town that afternoon to see if I could find any bulletin boards to put in Micah's room after I re-did it, because when I was taking everything off his walls, I realized that he collects little quotes and handouts and they would need to have a designated place to go. I couldn't find anything in town, so we ran up to Hannah Vermaas' house to visit Amanda & Ryan, so that our trip to town wasn't for nothing. Lance & Amber were also visiting, and Lance was working on fixing Ryan's wheelchair. He'd apparently been at it nearly all day, so Josh jumped right in and they worked on it together for another hour or so and finally got it fixed! I loved watching them work together--usually when Josh mechanics, he's really stressed and irritable, but when they were working on the chair together, Josh was happy and calm. They decided they would come out to our house for games that evening. Amber stayed at Hannah's with the kids, and Lance joined Amanda & Ryan. We played "Cover Your Assets", which was the first time both Amanda and Ryan played it. We had a fun time, and I'm glad they came over...but Josh and I got into an argument over some things that happened during the game. We love playing games, but we're both so competitive, and let's just say...we resolved things a few days later! Never let a game end your marriage! ;)

Micah's Room Makeover
This room has been needing an update for a while, and I'm glad Micah finally thought it was time! Micah, Jonah, and Kanyon went to a Stake Youth activity on the afternoon of the 28th, so it was the perfect day to tackle the project. I started painting that morning, and painted 2 coats before they left. I let it dry, and then got to work decorating the room. I raised up the curtain rod, hung the new blackout curtains, removed the blinds, moved furniture around, brought in another shelving unit from the garage, made a magnetic board with decorative paper (since I couldn't find cork or a bulletin board), made his bed with the new comforter, sewed a ripped pillow that he hasn't been using for a while, and then Josh helped me install a wall shelf and I put up all the posters and wall hangings. I got done about 5:30. I'd worked on it 8 hours that day! His room looks so much more grown-up and organized now! I was excited for him to see the end result! However, I didn't get a chance to see his reaction to the reveal, because after I finished the room, Josh and I went out to dinner with Amanda, Ryan, John, and Amber at the Bistro, and by the time I made it home, he was already home from the youth activity and dance. Thankfully, he was still happy about it when I got home and he told me how much he loved it! I'm so glad!
BEFORE -- the south wall |
BEFORE -- the north wall |
I only painted an accent wall behind his bed a gray to match the bedspread. |
AFTER -- the south wall |
AFTER -- the north wall |
Wintery Springs
Josh and I went to the Royal Gorge Hot Springs on December 30. It was the first time we've gone there in the winter. The pathway to the pool was snowy and slippery, but the soak was perfect!Thankfully, no one else came, so we had it all to ourselves. It felt good to soak in the hot water with the chilled air around us. I love these hot springs! Josh got sick after Christmas--it spread through our whole family, and he could breathe a lot easier when we were soaking there due to the steam, which was nice for him. I love these hot springs!
He got tired of not being able to breathe, so he finally broke out the nebulizer. |
The nebulizer treatments helped him temporarily.
At least he found SOME relief!
Christmas Break
Basically, over Christmas Break we do a whole lot of playing games, watching movies, building puzzles, eating, sleeping in, repeat...
There was a lot of Mario Cart action on the wii this year! |
Took me 6 days, but I got 'er done! I glued it and hung it in my classroom! |
Made a homemade turkey pot pie with the turkey leftovers from Christmas dinner. |
New Year's Eve
It was a different kind of New Year's; we went our separate ways for the night. Jonah and Micah went on a group date to Anthony Barton's. They went sledding, ate dinner, played games, and watched a movie. It was Jonah's first date! He took Emma Swope, and Micah took Madeline Sapp. They had a good time and got home after midnight. Ammon and Kanyon came with Josh & I to Ed & Katy's house for about an hour and half. We listened to the radio oldies trivia, talked, and helped Kathy put together a 500 piece puzzle. Josh and I left about 7:30 to go to Phil & Darcy's house. We haven't hung out with them since August! We played Sequence, Ticket to Ride, Cards Against Humanity, and SkipBo. We were all tired around 11:00 but were determined to stay awake and keep playing until midnight! We're getting old! When we left shortly after midnight, we realized there was a big snowstorm outside--it had already snowed 3 inches and was still coming down! Ammon spent the remainder of the night with friends at the Aldous' house. So blessed to ring in the new year with family and friends! Happy New Year!

Ammon is so good at puzzles! |
Just like the week before on Christmas Eve, the snow
was really coming down!