Spring seemed to last forever this year! It started earlier than usual, with super hot temperatures in February and March, and then the cold front finally hit in April, making it feel like the onset of winter's end was forgetfully delayed. This is a snapshot of our spring with the Top Ten list I made at the beginning of the season...
1. Ammon & Kala visit the Fisher's in Virginia
Kala, Quinn, Lisa, and Ammon in front of the DC Union Station |
[completed 3/2] At the end of February, Ammon and I went out to visit my sister Lisa, her husband Mack, and son Quinn (who's a year older than Ammon) in Manassas, Virginia. We spent 4 days out there: one in Manassas, two in DC, and one in Maryland. We had a great time together!
2. Spring Break from School!
having Family Home Evening with the Williams Family |
[completed 3/29] We didn't do much over spring break this year: we cleaned out and rearranged the boys' bedrooms, played with friends, and went camping at the end of the week. It was a nice break from school!
3. Go camping for the 1st time this year
Waiting for the tinfoil dinners to cook while camping |
[completed 3/28] We went the last weekend of March up to Williams Lake Campground, and had an enjoyable overnight stay. We are so glad we went, because it was nice weather, we had a great time playing and relaxing, and it's still the only time that we've gone camping yet this year!
4. Celebrate Easter with the Perkins family
[completed 4/5] We had such a fun time celebrating Easter in Tremonton this year! We decorated eggs on Saturday night with Grandma, watched general conference on Sunday morning, had a nice meal Sunday afternoon, then had the annual egg hunt. All of my siblings and their families came (except Lisa), the weather was beautiful, and Josh won both the gold and the silver eggs!
5. Josh & Kala celebrate their anniversary
Josh and Kala at the Rexburg temple |
[completed 4/10] I loved our anniversary! We went to dinner at Stockman's in Idaho Falls, stayed in the Congo Room at Destinations Inn, and went to cousin Mikey's wedding in the Rexburg temple.
6. Take walks & ride bikes together
Micah and Jonah on their new BMX bikes |
[completed in March] In February, Jonah and Micah bought new bikes. It was really nice weather for most of March, so we went on a lot of bike rides together. We went around the 4-mile loop several times on our bikes, and Josh and I went for walks down our lane as well. And then April came along, and suddenly we stopped riding and walking together, due to the cold. Hopefully, we'll pick up the family exercise routine again this summer!
7. Watch Ammon's H.S. golf tournaments
Ammon during the home tournament at the Salmon GC |
[completed 5/13] Ammon did very well playing for the high school golf team this spring. It was his first year playing on a school golf team, and he was always either the 2nd or 3rd place player (and scorer) for the team! He loved playing golf for the school, and became good friends with several of the kids on the team.
8. Go on field trips with the boys
Kanyon & his friend Hesstyn on a helicopter simulator
at the Salmon Heli-Tack. |
Jonah, Linden, Carson, and Micah on the famous
staircase at the Hotel Meade in ghost town Bannack. |
[completed 6/1] I was so lucky that I got to go on both Kanyon's 2nd grade BLM/Forest Service field trip and Jonah and Micah's 5th grade Bannack field trip this year!
9. Plant flowers for Mother's Day
[completed 5/9] The flower that seems to do the best in our yard is the petunia. The deer don't touch it, they're pretty hardy, and they're not too expensive. I planted 3 varieties of petunias on Mother's Day weekend, putting them in the front and back of the house and along the fence, too.
10. Kala & Ammon go to Lagoon for band comp.
Ammon, Kala, and Darcy on the Rocket Re-Entry ride |
[completed 5/31] I had so much fun on the high school band/choir trip to Utah this year! There will be lots more about it later!
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