Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pointing Fingers, Placing Blame

Living with 4 rambunctious boys means things are always getting destroyed in our house.
But when something breaks, I never seem to get a direct answer out of any of them.

"Who did this?", I'll ask.
"He did it", they'll say and point their fingers to whoever "he" is.

Most of the time, they respond that "Kanyon did it", because he doesn't really know how to verbally defend himself yet, so he's the perfect target. Sometimes they'll blame it on him even if he wasn't in the room or had never touched whatever it is that's broken!

I suppose Kanyon is accustomed to having the bigger boys place blame on him with their fingers pointed at him, because look what he does when he's with somebody that's smaller than him:

He's pointing the finger and she's feigning innocence!


Kayce said...

This picture is priceless! It definitely started my morning with a laugh.

Tawna said...


birdeeb said...

CUTE! It's the curse of the youngest ;o) I know haha! My mom would sit Elwon & I on chairs until we confessed who did it and I always would say I did because I wanted to get down and I knew that I wouldn't get spanked ;o). My mom said she knew it wasn't me, but thought it was pretty cute that I would say I did...

darcymae said...

he is a quick learner!!