Sunday, August 30, 2009

Identity Identifying

Do you ever identify people by something other than their faces?
For example, you're in a public place and you spot the back of someone's head, but you recognize them because of their hair.
Or you're walking down a street and see a person ahead of you and you know who it is just by the way they walk.
Or you hear a voice and you instantly know who it is that's talking.
It got me thinking...if I posted pictures of somebody's lower half rather than their upper half, would they be recognizable and identified correctly?

So here's my experiment:
do you recognize any of the following people?
how were you able to identify them?
what do you think they all have in common with each other?

Identities 1 & 2

Identities 3 & 4

Identities 5 & 6


Franson Funny Farm said...

1. Kanyon
2. Josh (his hands)
3. Dallin
4. Tiffany (feet)
5. ?
6. Josie

Pretty positive I am way off, only because I don't think I ever get these things right. Fun to think about though.

Gina said...

all I know is that the first one is josh and kanyon, I don't think I know anyone else.

Salmon Tolman Family said...

1.Kanyon (my son)
2. Me (duh)
3.Dallin (by virtue of being next to #4)
4. Tiff (feet)
5. Gideon (knees/shorts)
6. Josie (shirt/arms)

Comments from Josh