In July, Josh and I attended an outdoor rock concert in Idaho Falls called "Rock the Falls". Local group 2AM Logic opened, and then we heard from Still Standing. Firehouse was next (which was the reason we went), followed by the last group Great White.

Still Standing was so awesome! I had never heard of them before, but they had some really great songs, and now I'm interested in getting their music.

Firehouse didn't disappoint. They were terrific performers, and it was fun listening to old classics I heard when I was a young teenager, such as "Love of a Lifetime" and "When I Look Into Your Eyes".

In between each rock group, there was a long break while the bands took down/set up all their equipment. So Josh and I spent a lot of time people-watching, which was very entertaining. There were plenty of crazy people to watch, like a man in front of us with Touret's Syndrome. There were lots of drunk people to see, like two women near us that had to be carried out during the show--one taken away by ambulance. And there were some funky dressed people, like the guy with the too-short shorts and the too-tall hat, and these other examples: 

(my personal favorite, this couple was very classy rocked out)
It was a great night with my hubby, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to go on such a nice long date with him (thanks to our wonderful babysitter Kimi). We enjoyed the time away together, and it reminded me of just how much I love being with him and how happy I am because of him!