Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Champion Contestants
The complete phrases were:
1. LEO THE LION KING--difficulty level: medium
(Leo the Lion is the horoscope sign for part of August, and Lion King is a movie)
Jen and Melissa both got this one
2. AUGUST RUSH HOUR--difficulty level: hard
(August Rush is a movie, and rush hour is a common traffic congestion problem)
Jen got this one
3. HOT SUMMER NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM--difficulty level: easy
(Hot Summer Night is a song about summer, and Night at the Museum is a movie)
Jen and Melissa both got this one
Jen for getting 3 of 3, you win the title of champion contestant and your prize is a package of animal fruit snacks--a frequently used summer treat in our house. Melissa, for getting 2 of 3, you also win the title of champion contestant, and your prize is that knowledge!!! Thanks again girls! (And for the rest of you, I promise the next contest will be tons easier!!!)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In October of '08, I decided to add a blog counter.
Are you my 5,000th visitor since then?
(It's a small rectangle box at the bottom of my right column)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Before/After Contest
My favorite category on the WoF game was the Before/After category. That meant there was a 'before' phrase and an 'after' phrase that were connected by one common word. For example: "Rock n Roll Band Aid". Rock n Roll Band is a phrase and Band Aid is a thing, with Band as the common word in both. Got it?
My new contest is a Wheel of Fortune puzzle using the Before/After category (minus the wheel and the cash)! Here's my rules:
1. I have created 3 phrases with blanks. The phrases have a common theme (hint: summertime and movie titles).
3. Try to figure out 1, 2, or all 3 phrases; the person with the most right will win a SurPrize!! If there are a lot of people that get all 3 phrases right, I'll pick a random number.
4. The contest ends this Wednesday, July 29. I'll announce the winner and the correct answers after that! Good Luck!!!
Phrase 1:
L E _
T _ E
L _ _ N
_ _ N _
Phrase 2:
_ _ _ _ S T
R _ S _
_ _ _ R
Phrase 3:
_ _ T
S _ _ _ E R
N _ _ _ T
_ T
T _ E
_ _ S E _ _
Friday, July 24, 2009
An Evolution of Sport Sorts [part 2]
Josh and I own one tennis racket. I believe it came from my parent's garage when they were cleaning it out years ago. I believe it used to be my brother Mick's when he was a teenager. But even though we own a tennis racket, we never play it....probably because how can two people play with only ONE racket?!! I convinced Ammon to join group tennis lessons this summer. He was hesitant at first, but after having group golf lessons, he agreed to let me sign him up. The same group of boys were in the tennis group, and he liked it! The racket that we've been storing in the shed for years finally had a good use, and I enjoyed watching Ammon play. He was pretty good at it, too. Which made me think of those two days when I thought I was pretty good at it myself!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
An Evolution of Sport Sorts [part 1]
Now his life revolves around golf...He's been a golf course superintendent for the past 8 years! He enjoys golfing now, too. I teased him when he bought his first set of clubs for wanting to participate in such a "boring" sport! Then he bought me a set of clubs so I could join him. I'm a terrible golfer, and usually go only a handful of times a year with him. So when Ammon was old enough, he bought some left-handed clubs for him, and in doing so, he found himself a golfing partner. Ammon loves to go! Ammon usually golfs once a week during the summer. He'll go with or without Josh; he even likes to go alone. A few weeks ago, he went with an old man, a middle-aged man, and a teenager--none of whom he'd ever met! This summer, Ammon took some group golf lessons. He had fun with some other boys playing the sport and learning about different hand grips, and how to improve his chipping, putting, and driving.

P.S. He loves watching golf on TV on Sundays now!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
There is Beauty All Around

The boys rode bikes and 4-wheelers around the campsite, built a fort made out of sticks, and fished in the clear creek.After dinner was all cleaned up, and dessert was cooking in the dutch oven, Hailey and I took a walk downstream. We loved seeing all the beautiful little waterfalls. The walk back up was more like a hike, but so well worth it!
It was a lovely afternoon/evening, and so relaxing! I was craving to go camping when it was time to leave!! Hopefully that will be as soon as next weekend!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Radical Radishes

Monday, July 20, 2009
Splish Splash x3

Thursday, July 16, 2009
My Vacation Day Off

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
20 Questions--Father's Day Edition
1. What is something your dad always says to you?
A: Feed your pigs.
J: He loves me.
M: Go to your bed.
2. What makes your dad happy?
A: When we do something nice for him.
J: When we buy him a gnome.
M: When I help him change pipe.
3. What makes your dad sad?
A: When somebody in his family dies.
J: When we fight.
M: When I don't listen to him.
4. How does your dad make you laugh?
A: By telling jokes and being funny.
J: When he takes me to the candy store.
M: He tickles me.
5. How old is your dad?
A: 32
J: I don't know...15
M: I don't know...14
6. What was your dad like as a child?
A: He was a very hard working farm kid.
J: He changed pipe.
M: I don't know.
7. What is his favorite thing to watch on TV?
A: sports
J: football, basketball, golf
M: basketball and football
8. Who is his best friend?
A: Ryan
J: Grandpa
M: Jason and mom
9: Where is his favorite place to go?
A: Golfing probably.
J: Go camping.
M: To meetings.
10. What is his favorite food?
A: cheesecake
J: gatorade
M: chili
11. What does your mom like about your dad?
A: That he sleeps in bed with you, and not in a different bed.
J: When he takes you on a 4-wheeler ride
M: He gives you hugs and he kisses you.
12. What does he do when you're not around?
A: probably work
J: work
M: change pipe
13. What is your dad really good at?
A: golfing
J: changing pipe
M: fixing stuff
14. What is he not very good at?
A: I don't know.
J: He doesn't pick up his newspapers.
M: When he rakes hay in the dark, he could get bitten by mosquitos.
15. What does your dad do for work?
A: He works at the golf course as the greenkeeper.
J: He works at the golf course.
M: He mows grass at the golf course and swaths hay, rakes hay, moves hay bales.
16. What makes you proud of your dad?
A: That he does a lot of hard work for us.
J: He takes us camping.
M: He takes me on 4-wheeler and motorcycle rides.
17. What do you and your dad do together?
A: We golf together.
J: He takes me to the movie theater and on 4-wheeler rides.
M: We change pipe.
18. How are you and your dad the same?
A: The color of our eyes.
J: We both go to the golf course.
M: I don't know.
19. How are you and your dad different?
A: He has a job, I don't.
J: He's bigger and I'm smaller.
M: He's bigger and I'm littler.
20. How do you know your dad loves you?
A: Because he does a lot of work for us.
J: Because he takes me to the theater.
M: Because he takes me on a date with him.
As gifts, the boys got him a new garden gnome to add to his collection in the yard, 2 new BBQ sticks for camping, and a few new Dean Koontz books. Happy Father's Day Josh! We love you! The boys think you're a #1 Dad! I appreciate you so much for the wonderful father you are to them, for your ability to take care of our family, and for the pillar of strength you are to all of us!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009
one fish, 22 fish, black fish, good fish

Monday, July 13, 2009
I ain't afraid of no Toads!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Identical but Different
It was a bottom tooth, and it got lost when he was sleeping (possible swallowing?), but we wrote a note to a very understanding tooth fairy, and he was still rewarded without a tooth to show for it! (see the gap in his smile?!)

Saturday, July 11, 2009
2 Suprises: 1 Happy, 1 Sad

Friday, July 10, 2009
One Month Old

Everyday we give them water, grain, special pig feed, and sometimes we give them their favorite--leftovers. They are getting so big!

In the last few weeks, they've really warmed up to Ammon and look forward to seeing him everyday, and he likes being around them too (despite their smell!).