Monday, April 13, 2009

Strategy or Systematically Delayed?

I am a procrastinator. I have been for as long as my memory recalls. When I was in junior high and high school, I would wake up at the last possible minute to get ready and run to school. During my senior year, day after day, I would get to my classroom just as the morning tardy bell rang. After receiving homework assignments, I would wait to start working on them the night before they were due. Because I was so actively involved in drama and choir, and often had rehearsals and performances after school, this meant that sometimes I was up until 2am working on homework. I see now that was also part of the reason I slept in until the last possible minute.

But, for plays or recitals or big projects, this strategy didn't always work. For example: when I went to try out for a drama scholarship at SUU, I memorized my script on the car ride there, but during the audition I was too stressed to remember what I had just memorized. Or like the time my insect collection was due in Biography and we had rainy, rainy weather the few days prior to its due date (even though I knew about it over 2 weeks in advance) and I couldn't find enough bugs, so I got a much lower grade on it.

I need deadlines to give me motivation. I need due dates to give me pressure and keep me going. I know that about myself. But with my creative projects, ones that require no deadline, there never seems to be any completion, any finish, any end.

Like the children's scrapbooks. Or my vacation scrapbooks. Or my blog.

Part of my problem is that I'm chronologically anal. I hate doing things out of order; I always have. So take my procrastination problem and add it to my chronologically anal problem, and the result is that I'm ALWAYS behind!

I tend to start new projects because I get so overwhelmed with other unfinished projects. Last year, I had caught up Ammon's baby/toddler scrapbook to 2003. I was actually happy that I was only "5 years" behind. So I decided to start a vacation scrapbook of when Josh and I went to England. I thought I could finish it quicker because, after all, it was only 10 days worth of photos to scrapbook. But then I wasn't going scrapbooking with the girls as much anymore, and the book wasn't getting done. Then I started a blog. I thought it would serve as a journal and a motivator to me to keep current. I thought it would help me feel more "caught up" on my life, so that I wouldn't feel so behind on EVERYTHING else. But then I started only uploading the photos to put on my blog, and not uploading ALL the photos off my camera. At Easter this year, I handed out printed copies of photos I took at Easter last year. This past weekend I started uploading July 2008 photos (that's where I last left off) from my camera to my computer. Isn't that just pathetic?

So now that I've been out out of the scrapbooking mode for so long, I don't want to work on any of my unfinished books. I'm so far behind on uploading 2008 photos that I don't even want to upload even recent photos. I don't want to write anything on my blog that's out of order, and since there's no photos uploaded, I don't want to write a story now and add photos later, so there's just NO stories being taken out of my brain and put in writing. No blog, No scrapbook, No photos being worked on. I just feel overwhelmed because I actually DO want to do something. Maybe I should just start a new project? That way I won't feel so overwhelmed!

I need a new strategy. Clearly the system I've got just isn't working. Any suggestions?


darcymae said...

i am kind of the same way. that is one reason i like blogging...this way i am dumping the pictures off my camera almost every day that i take them instead of waiting until it is totally full and looking at them every once in a while instead of putting them in a folder and never seeing them again. but if blogging isnt working for you...i dont know WHAT will!!

Jodi and Skott said...

I used to be really anal about my scrapbooking too. Then I got a few years behind and switched to digital and it was a lost cause. My solution: I have folders on my computer such as "dogs" "family get togethers" etc. I download the pics (labeling them by the month and year) from my camera into the main picture folder. Then I COPY to all the appropriate folders. (You could have a folder for each of the boys). Once I have assigned and copied the pictures to specific folders, I take the entire batch I just sorted (original download) and put it into a folder labeled month/year. Sounds confusing but it works well for me. I don't print near as many photos as I used to and I honestly don't miss them as much as I thought I would. And they are handy when I do want to make a copy, either by month or by person/activity. Good luck!

Candise said...

My mom often jokes that the some of the best decision she ever made were to give up! I echo that often. Sometimes it feels great to admit giving up...even if it is only temporary, or in a small part of life. So - if it makes you feel better "give up" your chronological tendencies...maybe just on your blog. Blog about whatever you want at the time. Keep your scrap booking chronological and throw caution to the wind with your blog...I dare you!
I find that keeping photos downloaded and my camera clean is beneficial to me. I download several times a week and delete photos from my camera. I have them filed by date (chronologically minded as well) and can find them with ease when I need them. I have skipped a couple things on my blog that still bother will see them soon...and out of order...grrrr! But, I have noticed that blogger lets you change the posting date. So I will likely post my out-of-order post, and then after a day or two at the top I will change the date so it falls in order. Anal retentiveness solved!
Good luck- and I never would have guessed you were a procrastinator. You always seem VERY on top of things to me - for real!
P.S. I have been very curious about your trip to PCMC. I'll be calling...

D'Neill said...

Sorry, no advice from the house run by Mrs. OCD herself - one thought, though ~ don't be hard on yourself and don't worry about what is not being done - look at all you DO accomplish!! Love reading your blog :)

Debra said...

I understand your pain...I have not scrapbooked simply by the fact that I have too much to do. This is also why I love to Blog. It keeps me in order a little so when I do go back, I can keep it straight. Sorry I am no help! Keep Blogging because I love checking up on ya!

Miss Heather said...

Truthfully, even after being around scrapbook stuff every day for work, I'm so behind. I finally put all my photos in albums (in order) and labeled them. I've got 3/4ths of our wedding scrapbook done and we've been married for almost six years... so don't feel bad!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I don't have a fabulous or profound solution to your scrapbooking dilemma, but I just want to say thanks:) I'm an awful procrastinator as well and also need deadlines and such to keep me going. I was having a moment of stress caused by the P word and called my mom. She read this to me over the phone and it made me feel better knowing that I am not alone in this world. And it gave me a little umph to be a little more aware and on top of things myself. So, thanks for sharing, and I hope you do get things figured out :) --Kimberlee Franson