Acronyms...they've found a perfect place in this world. With the electronic generation, acronyms have found their home in texts and emails and website messages. The first acronym I can remember is TCBY. It's the restaurant called "The Country's Best Yogurt". When I was in 3rd grade, and our family lived in Ogden, I loved that place! It was a rare treat, but too delicious to be forgotten. I am slow at acronyms. I love using them, but sometimes it takes me a while to figure out what they mean. For example, a friend once texted me a message including the acronym "LMAO" in it. It took me a full five minutes to figure out what that meant. Josh and I don't have texts included in our cell phone plan. For several months, every time one of my sisters or friends texted me, Josh would be irritated because that meant he was paying 10 cents more on the bill for each one. BUT...then his employees started texting him, and
suddenly texting was
cool. So now, sometimes Josh and I text each other, just for the FUN of it! A few weeks back, he was in a meeting, and I texted him "Need Bread". Typing on the phone feels like speaking in code or something. When Josh and I were dating, we started coming up with our own acronymical language that we used in correspondence. I used ITLY frequently. He said YAILY a lot. Well, this past Friday was a special day because it was Josh's special day. I texted him a fun message during the day, and he texted me back with a hilarious response. That night, we went on a date to dinner with our great friends Jason and Hailey. Then we came home, and he opened the kids' presents. And then we partook of two home-made cheesecakes, pumpkin and raspberry. At the beginning and end of the day, I said HBTY. Josh, you are an amazing husband and an awesome father. You are my TLFAE and I feel so HTBYW.
BTW, to prevent any rumors: the number of candles does not represent his age, it was just how many came in a package. And he actually blew them all out in one breath, too!
Yeah, I remember the first time someone messaged me LOL... I had NO IDEA what it meant for a LONG time. :)
Okay, I'm not sure I want to know what half of those mean. I still don't know how to text. Okay I can text, but I don't know how to do spaces, soitendsupbeingreallydifficultto
Hi Kala!
I am so glad to see you blogging! It's such a great way to keep in touch! I am totally adding you to my list. Your family is getting so big. Thanks for checking in on us...
Debra (Darley) Snow
Okay, I hate to admit how out of touch I am with the texting world, but reading that post was like reading Chinese for me! Yikes!
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