We went to Jonah and Micah's Preschool Graduation on Wednesday. They presented a very cute musical program. I knew Jonah wouldn't participate because he doesn't like to sing. But the night before the performance, Micah sang every song to me. He was so excited about graduation. He wanted me, dad, Ammon, Grandma and Grandpa T, Grandma and Grandpa P., and our friends Roberta & Tina to all come watch him. Me, dad, and Roberta went to the graduation, and Josh said it's probably a good thing nobody else did and I'll tell you why. There were 17 kids graduating. Jonah and Micah were in the center. They did not sing or do any actions the ENTIRE time. They are SOOO shy, especially Micah. When he saw all those parents and people he didn't know, he didn't want to sing anymore. And, like I said, Jonah doesn't like singing. So much for bragging about my kids at graduation! I was so embarrassed, but several parents came up after and told me how adorable my twins were. They were all probably thinking "at least it wasn't my kid"! In this photo, Micah and Jonah are the ones toward the middle in the green and blue shirts sitting quietly while everyone else is following their teacher doing the "Mean as a Shark" movement with their hands.

Ammon's second grade class ended their year on Thursday with a Readers' Theater. They performed four short plays in their classroom for their parents. He was the narrator in two of the plays. He doesn't like to be in front of people either, and chose the part of narrator so that he could just read without trying to act as well. He is an excellent reader and it was so fun to see their little productions! This is a photo of him when he was narrating "The Reluctant Dragon".

This past school year went by in a flash! It still doesn't even feel like school is out, although we are all very excited for the summer! (refer to the top ten list of summer activites on our blogsite) Congrats to Jonah and Micah for completing their second year of PreSchool! And Three Cheers to Ammon for completing the second grade, finishing at the top of his class, and also receiving 100% attendance for the entire year as well!!

1 comment:
yeah for summer! I need to make me a top ten list too! Get going with all those fun adventures.
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