Saturday, June 6, 2015

Rings on Her Fingers

I wear four rings on my fingers, and I frequently look at them and am filled with love and thoughts for my family members, because every ring represents a generation in my family. I bend my knuckles in a certain way to make the rings become close together, and I admire them and think about what they mean to me.

I had a hard time taking a picture of my fingers without using my hands!
(hence, the weird angle of the rings)

On my left pinky is the Mother's Ring that Josh gave me for Christmas in 2013. There's a birth stone for each of my children in it: a garnet for Ammon, an amethyst for Kanyon, and two sapphires for Jonah and Micah. It's the newest of the rings, and one that I truly treasure. I'm so grateful to be a mother to my four sons, and I just love this ring that Josh gifted me as a visual reminder of my four best accomplishments in life!

On my left ring finger is my engagement ring and wedding band. I originally had a different wedding band that was shaped like a butterfly around the engagement ring's diamond, but a few years after we got married, I changed it for this simpler band with a tiny diamond on each side of the engagement ring's diamond. Last year, I finally got my engagement and wedding rings sautered together, resized, and cleaned, and it's made the ring feel like new! I love wearing this symbol of my marriage to my best friend and favorite person ever; he's a wonderful companion and I'm so blessed to experience life with him!

On my right middle finger is a silver CTR ring that my parents gave me when I graduated from Seminary and High School. I've had this ring the longest of the four, and I've rarely taken it off in the last 18 years. When I look at it, I think of my parents who raised me with righteous desires, and who were good examples of service, love, and respect. I'm so glad that I was raised by parents who cared about me and had my best interests in mind! I love them very much!

On my right ring finger is an opal ring that used to belong to my Grandma Perkins. After she passed away in October of 2009, my grandpa let the granddaughters pick what jewelry they'd like to keep that was once hers. This was the only ring that would fit my fingers, and I'm so glad because I love it immensely! There's a flaw in the opal: a crack through the gem, but the flaw brings out a variety of colors that I admire in the light. I'm very grateful for a heritage of hard-working grandparents who sacrificed both for our country and for their families, and I recognize that I'm a product of that love and sacrifice.

I'm not really a big jewelry person, but I love these four rings. They symbolize my family's past, present, and future. They represent timeless love. I know that families can be together forever!

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