Saturday, April 5, 2014

Thirty Something

Just last week, I was thinking about how much I love the phase of life that I'm in right now. I was having these thoughts as Josh and I were driving home after seeing a movie in the theater with our friends Amanda and John and Kerry.
I turned to Amanda and said "I love who we are in our 30's" and I meant it. I haven't stopped thinking about it all week long. I've been thinking of why I feel so happy lately, and this is what I've come up with:
I love the relationship that Josh and I have now. We are comfortable with one another, and appreciate one another, and are in love with each other. We go on dates frequently, and like being alone with each other. Our relationship hasn't always been so wonderful, but the last 3 1/2 years have been the best of our marriage, and I enjoy every day I get to spend with him. 
I love the ages that my children are. They are young enough that they are still fun to be with, but old enough that we can leave home without having to get a babysitter. We know they are responsible and independent so we don't worry about what they're doing when we go out. And they take care of themselves and like being in charge in our absence. They are involved in lots of activities that they enjoy, and it's a joy to watch them learn and grow and develop their personalities.
I love that Josh and I are established in our adulthood: with our jobs, and our finances, and our house, and our stability of being in the same community for so many years. We know who we are, we know what we want, we know what is best for us and our family, and we are on track in fulfilling those acknowledgements.
I love our friends. We can be with each other and appreciate our differences and the dynamics we each bring to the friendship. We can be ourselves without having to try and impress each other; it's so freeing and exhilarating to just be me. We have a good time together no matter what we do: eating, playing games, soaking in hot springs, watching movies, dancing, etc. My friends bring out the best in me, and I have the best times when I am with them.  

I truly love life as a 30-Something!!!

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