Wednesday, March 7, 2012

11 Tag

I've been tagged...
It's been a long time since the last blog tagging. Thanks, Alyssa. This was interesting!

1. Post these rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag
5. Tag 11 people


1. When I'm in front of other people and I'm expected to speak, I get nervous. Like every week in Sunday School class when I teach. Or every time one of my music classes at school has a parent performance and I have to introduce myself. And when I get nervous, I sweat in my armpits and have really rapid and high speech. I hate how my body responds to my nervousness!

2. I like to take pictures of hamburgers from different restaurants right before I eat them. But I never do anything with the photos.

3. I love Arby's French Dip & Swiss. I love the thinly sliced roast beef, the melted white cheese, the crispy thick bread, and the saucy au jus. I crave it all the time!

4. My real name is Michaela. I didn't know how to spell it correctly until the 4th grade because when I learned how to spell my name in Kindergarten, I spelled the name I knew myself as: Kala. (Which is so much easier and shorter!) We had a test in 4th grade and the teacher told me to use my real name. It was the kind of test where you had to fill in little circles for each letter of your name, and I was so nervous because I had no idea which circle to fill in first: the "E" or the "A" after the "MICH". I did the wrong one.

5. I don't like dogs. When I was a child, my neighbor's little dog bit my ear and I had to go have shots. And my dad's dog was really big and used to jump on my shoulders and dry hump me, and he used to slobber a lot and since his head was the same height as my butt, whenever he sniffed me he got me wet. Ew. No matter how much my boys ask, we will NEVER have a dog.

6. My favorite acting part I ever had was a "Doo-Wop" girl in the play "Little Shop of Horrors" during my senior year of High School. That also happens to be the last play I was in, and the last part I played. I miss the theater tremendously.

7. I have never liked the color pink. I'm a blue kind of girl.

8. I like driving stick-shift. It makes me feel like I'm a race-car driver and I have so much power. My first car was a stick-shift, and it was actually Josh's Honda. He taught me to drive it when we got engaged, and then he let me take it to college.

9. I want to be a contestant on the Amazing Race, and as I watch the show each Sunday, I imagine myself being one. But I know that I would be just like all the competitors that I hate. The reality of that vision keeps me from really pursuing that wish.

10. I love singing harmony. I've loved it ever since I was in junior high. Even though I was one of only 3 kids in my Jr. High choir class that didn't get picked to go to Honor Choir at USU, I pursued my desire to be a 2nd Soprano. I felt validated from not being included in that 8th grade event when I got accepted into the Madrigal Choir my senior year of High School as one of the four 2nd sopranos.

11. I like feet. I like massaging my feet, as well as others'. I used to suck my toes (when I was younger and could reach them) because I liked it. I like the way sandals make feet look. I like how everyone's feet look so different. I'm fascinated by feet!


1. Worst/best/awkward date story?
When I was a sophomore in high school, I was madly in love with a senior named Daniel. I couldn't wait to turn 16 in August so that I could date. Daniel graduated in May, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever get the chance to date him. After my 16th birthday, my very first date was a double date. I went with a guy, and we doubled with his sister whose date was...DANIEL! It was awkward for me, because I wanted to be on the date with Daniel, not the guy who I was with. We went to the fair, and walked around, and danced, and then my date took me home. Last year, I saw the home video that was taken the night of that date...and I totally zoomed in on Daniel and practically ignored my date, so judging by that video, I'm sure the rest of the night was something like that and that my date felt awkward too, with all my of inattentiveness towards him!

2. Dream vacation?
A two-week vacation alone with Josh to travel all over Scotland and Ireland and England together. It sounds like heaven to me.

3. What do you like best about yourself?
I like my blue eyes, my straight teeth, my ability to sing harmony, and the ability to speak loudly (especially since my husband has such a quiet voice!).

4. Tell me about a time your heart was broken.
My heart is always broken at the end of a good the end of a marriage, at the end of living in a particular place, at the end of a loved one's life, and most recently, my heart has been broken over the end of a good friendship. For the past two months, my heart has been hurting because of the end of a 5-year friendship. My heart is broken over things that were said and done that are unforgiven, and I miss my friend terribly.

5. If you could do anything in the whole wide world what would it be?
I wish I had millions of dollars to build a new school in Salmon that is so desperately needed, since the community continues to refuse to vote to build one.

6. First movie star crush?
When I was in the 3rd grade, our family lived in a townhouse. Our neighbors who had the corner townhouse had daughters my age, and they watched Dirty Dancing every week. My mom wouldn't let me go over there or watch that movie. But I somehow managed to once...and I fell in love with Patrick Swayze at first sight. Dangit, he was hot!!! RIP, Patrick Swayze.

7. Favorite holiday and why?
I love Halloween. I like dressing up, I like getting chocolate, I like the autumn atmosphere, I like the funky decorations, I like all the quirky parties.
8. Guilty pleasure?
Lindt chocolates. I keep a stash by my bed, and I eat one almost every day.

9. Secret wish?
I wish that I could fly. I had a recurring dream as a child that I could float in the air down the hallways of my home. I was always disappointed when I woke up and realized that I actually couldn't.

10. Fashion Icon?
Umm...Okay, I don't do fashion. The majority of the shoes and clothes in my closet are hand-me-downs, or pre-owned. I don't know how to apply make-up. I don't know how to match colors together, so I tend to dress myself in mono-chromatic clothes. I don't watch fashion shows, or read fashion magazines, or keep up with any trends of any kind (except for the B.U.M. Equipment movement in junior high, because everyone knows you have to keep up with styles in junior high to fit in...thank goodness those days are decades behind me!).

11. Best day ever story?
In 2008, Josh and I went on a 10-day vacation to England. It was the first time I'd ever been out of the USA, the first time I'd been on a plane, the first time I'd spent so many days alone with Josh since we'd had kids. The very best day of that trip was the day we were in Scotland. We woke up in a quaint little Bed & Breakfast. We drove to a nearby old castle. We walked around the castle ourselves, and there was nobody else touring during that time. It was early morning, and it was peaceful, serene, relaxing, and I was filled with extreme joy and tranquility. It was amazing and I've never forgotten the way I felt in that country, in that castle, with my husband by my side. After that, we went to an old Scottish golf course and walked around, and Josh was so happy. It was the last full day of our vacation, and one of my favorite days ever.
1. What's one of the hardest decisions you've ever made?
2. What's one of your biggest dreams you have for your life?
3. What's one character trait you have that you hope that your children won't?
4. What's one of your most romantic experiences?
5. What's one of that happiest moments of your past?
6. If you could be a character in a book or story, who would you be?
7. If you were stranded on an island with only 3 other people, who would you pick?
8. If you had to eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
9. If you could live wherever you wanted in the world, where would it be?
10. What helps you fall asleep at night?
11. What gets you going in the morning? 
1. Tawna
2. Jen
3. Emily
4. Darcy
5. Candise
6. Melissa
7. Holly
8. Linette
9. Gina
10. D'Neill
11. Heidi

1 comment:

darcymae said...

ha! you kill me kala!! you're the only person i know that would talk about dry humping and butt sniffing in a blog post. and i love you for it!!

PS you ask too hard of questions. and i'm not a deep thinker. i'd like to request a new set of questions along the lines of...whats your favorite color? thank you.