Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bucket List: Item #1

Last night, the boys and I ate a pancake dinner at the Episcopal Church to celebrate Fat Tuesday.
Even though I don't participate in Shrove Tuesday or Ash Wednesday or Lent religiously, I do enjoy a good meal and a reason to celebrate!
As I sat there, surrounded by purple and gold and green decorations, in a room full of happy people, eating delicious food, I got to thinking...
Someday, I want to attend Mardi Gras.
Last year, Josh and I went to New Orleans in February, just 2 weeks before Mardi Gras.
The people in New Orleans love to party, and they do an excellent job at it!
So even though it was weeks prior to the event, the celebrations had already begun...

Decorations were up.
Pre-celebration parades were happening.
Tourists were appearing in multitudes.
Excitement was in the air!
It all made me hungry for more (and I'm not talking about pancakes).
Now I want to experience the real thing!
Visiting New Orleans during Mardi Gras {insert hopeful sigh}--the first official item on my bucket list!


Salmon Tolman Family said...

Hey, that is on my list too. Maybe we could go together sometime. JOSH

birdeeb said...

So how did you guys get your beads?? Haha JK! We were talking about Mardi Gras today at work and people asked why it's celebrated and why New Orleans is huge when it comes to that celebration...I forgot to mention that there is a lot of French Traditions in New Orleans...I told them how I would dress up as a clown every year in High school and make balloon animals for everyone on Mardi Gras...good times!

Sunshine said...

sweet... I'm in! love me some good parties!