Sunday, December 13, 2009

13th Day of Christmas - Tiffany

Tiffany is Josh's only sister, and she is the oldest sibling in his family. My mother-in-law has often told me that Josh didn't talk until he was 3 or 4 years old because Tiffany always spoke for him! That story makes me laugh, because I think of Tiffany as preparing Josh for being married to me!!! Tiffany was a good sister to Josh, and other than making him play barbies with her when he didn't want to, she was kind and never bullied. She was a great older sister, and took loving care of her younger brothers, acting as the "young mother" in many instances.

When Josh and I were dating, he often spoke of his family, and I envisioned pictures in my mind of his family members. He showed me a wallet-sized photo of his family, which included: his parents, his sister and her husband and their infant daughter, Josh, and his two younger brothers. After seeing the photo, I remember thinking what a beautiful person his sister was. She is SO photogenic! I'm always a little jealous of those who photograph so well, because that is a trait that I do not have!

When I think of Tiffany, I think of opposites, because she is everything I am not: she is patient, she is nice, she is highly educated, well-versed, and poised, she is extremely giving of herself, she is a gifted listener, she acts like a lady, and she speaks kindly of others. She is the mother of 7 children (which is amazing in itself), and I'm constantly in awe of her ability to lead with a soft-spoken voice and a righteous heart. She loves her family so much and lives to serve them. She is a true peacemaker, not only in her home, but wherever she is!

I'm so lucky to have been blessed as the recipient of her kindness so many times! There was a 6-month period in Josh and I's marriage that we lived very close to her. During that time, we went through a bit of a rough patch, and needed help taking care of Ammon for a few weeks. She gladly helped out, and even though she had 3 small children and was very pregnant with her 4th, she made time for us and acted as though it was no big deal. I don't know how we could have made it through that without her! She's such a wonderful woman! She is a great role model for her children, and a good example to me. I'm grateful for the role she serves in our family, and I'm so thankful for her friendship and her support and the constant uplifting words that she gives me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kala -- that is so flattering!

May I correct the record on one thing? I did not make Josh play Barbies -- I told him I would only play cars with him if he played Barbies with me first. Although, watching my own kids, I wonder if I ever got around to playing with cars afterward. :)

You didn't mention that you also helped me when you lived here. I am very grateful for you and Josh staying with our kids when Joel was born. And I will never forget that you saved Joel's life the day he fell in the canal. How could I ever thank you enough for that?!

Thank you!